I need holster


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I have a new Baby Eagle 9mm model 9915RD 3.93 barrel overall 7.75 inch. I need a in the waistband holster. Any comments?


Check out the Crossbreed Supertuck. Triple K makes a good one too although I'm not sure if they make one for your pistol. By the way, welcome to the site.
Crossbreed is on of my favorite holsters and they just so happen to be a sponsor of the site!
You might also try TT Gunleather.

The down side is waiting 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.

These holsters aren't made until you order.
I have the Infidel from Comp-Tac for both my M&Ps and my Kimber as well and love them. You may give them a look. They treat their customers very well too.
I have the Infidel from Comp-Tac for both my M&Ps and my Kimber as well and love them. You may give them a look. They treat their customers very well too.

Yep +1 to that. I also have the Infidel from Comp-Tac for my Kimber and extremly happy with it. Also, like KimberRB said they also have great customer service as well.

Lastly, Welcome to the site.
Tucker also makes a great IWB, the wait some times can be a problem.
I have heard from some where that the Crossbreeds are also nice.

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