I don't get it


New member
Here in southeast Michigan, in a city called Royal Oak, there was some heated discussion about open carry at an upcoming Labor Day festival called Arts, Beats and Eats. I have a current Michigan cpl and have carried almost for the last 20 years. Why would anyone want to give away the tactical advantage of advertising that you have a weapon? Further, unless you have had specific training in gun retention tactics, why would a person risk having some fool try and take away your weapon and use it on you or someone else nearby? The whole idea of concealed carry is not to give away that you are armed. I just don't get it.
I get it.

World English Dictionary
exhibitionism (ˌɛksɪˈbɪʃəˌnɪzəm)

— n
1. a compulsive desire to attract attention to oneself, esp by absurd or exaggerated behaviour or boasting
I do, too

For some, it is a matter of not having a CCW/CWP/LTCH/whatever the jurisdiction calls it and wanting to be able to protect themselves. Some people don't see the need/want to 'ask permission' for a constitutional right.
Mr. GLOCK, your observations are right on!! While I don't argue with those who want to open carry, I see no benefit to doing so and lots of risks. For ME, I ONLY conceal carry and don't want anyone to know. I want the advantage of surprise if needed and don't want the worry of some idiot grabbing for my gun. Frankly I'm a little wary of those who want to parade around with a gun strapped on for everyone to see, but don't want to deny their right to do so if legal in their area. I live in Wyoming where open carry is legal everywhere, but just don't see anyone doing so. On the other hand, concealed permit requests have skyrocketed here (we are a "Will Issue" state) so I think most people living here feel the same as I do.
I thinkthe main issue here is, the Mi. Open Carry movement is concerned that if Royal Oak gets their way, and Open Carry is prohibited during this festival, what's to stop them from banning firearms at certain events like this. I belive Indiana has a state law that bans hanguns during the State Fair.
Indiana State Fair

Yep, it's one of the enumerated forbidden carry zones, although during the rest of the year it's OK. Kentucky is kind of strange, too. It's forbidden in the buildings on the fairgounds in Louisville, but they hold one of the region's biggest gunshows (Great Eastern) there about every 2-3 months, similar to the Indy 1500. Try to parse that out...
Here is one better. When I first applied for a cpl it was a general permit--you could carry anywhere and anytime. That includes, bars, churches, schools, sports arenas, etc. But the permit was very difficult to obtain. When Michigan "revised" their concealed carry laws, guess what? Our great legislators in their infinite wisdom, made it easier to obtain a ccw but now they imposed restrictions for gun free zones. Guess where these "gun free zones" are? Yup, you guessed it, schools, churches, hospitals, sports arenas, bars. All the places that I could once carry concealed. Our legislators might as well put up a sign as Ted Nugent so apply put it: "victims inside." It was indirect gun control. By the way, the NRA did little if anything to fight these changes in the laws. So now we have an almost useless set of concealed carry laws.:wacko:
Here in southeast Michigan, in a city called Royal Oak, there was some heated discussion about open carry at an upcoming Labor Day festival called Arts, Beats and Eats. I have a current Michigan cpl and have carried almost for the last 20 years. Why would anyone want to give away the tactical advantage of advertising that you have a weapon? Further, unless you have had specific training in gun retention tactics, why would a person risk having some fool try and take away your weapon and use it on you or someone else nearby? The whole idea of concealed carry is not to give away that you are armed. I just don't get it.

I am with you on this one. If one wanted to carry out in the open for hunting or something like that where you would be better served to have it straped to your chest, then fine. Just my personal preference though to carry concealed. I would rather people not know I have a firearm on me. I think the overwhelming choice, by the general public, to carry is what brought about the CCW times we live in now. The down side is that the anti-gun crowd still get their stick in by passing rules about where one can carry. I feel as though if you are permitted, you should be able to carry anyplace where you have the legal right to be. (Except a courtroom) Again just my personal opinion, I know some will think I'm all wet on this.
I am with you on this one. If one wanted to carry out in the open for hunting or something like that where you would be better served to have it straped to your chest, then fine. Just my personal preference though to carry concealed. I would rather people not know I have a firearm on me. I think the overwhelming choice, by the general public, to carry is what brought about the CCW times we live in now. The down side is that the anti-gun crowd still get their stick in by passing rules about where one can carry. I feel as though if you are permitted, you should be able to carry anyplace where you have the legal right to be. (Except a courtroom) Again just my personal opinion, I know some will think I'm all wet on this.[/QUOTE

IN Minnesota there are few no carry zones. Court house, School. Private Property can post signs to prohibit firearms. You are allowed to CC, or OC unless they ask you to leave your firearm behind. If you decide to stay, they call the cops and if you further the issue, you are issued a $25. ticket. Thats right, twenty-five dollars. Nobody has seen my CC in those places with the signs.

OC while legal, is very out of place in the large cities. I don't know about the rural areas.

If I see someone OC in a place like Walmart, I might follow, and observe for a time. Like I said, it is way out of place here. All classes I have attended, the instructors frown on OC.

I OC while hunting, and even the drive to the hunting area. If I go into a gas station, etc, I put on a jacket to cover up the firearm. It is obvious to even a casual observer, it's deer season, I have a orange shirt, wool pants, and boots on. A firearm is near.

A pet peeve of mine is if someone harvests a deer, then straps it naked to the top of their vehicle uncovered. I cover my deer with a tarp laying in the bed of my pickup.
Why not cover it up to protect from road debris? There are several non-hunters. Why offend them? They know those hooves sticking out of the tarp belong to a deer. Why put it in their faces? Treat that whitetail with some respect. Don't be a hillbilly.
Concealed carriers beware!

The best reason for strong open carry rights, in my ever so humble opinion, is actually to protect concealed carriers. Say you live in a state, like Pennsylvania, where open carry is legal. Let's also say you are carrying your firearm in a concealed manner, with the proper permit, as you do most days. While out shopping you trip, or bend down to tie a shoelace, or perform some other action that causes your cover garment to slightly reveal your firearm. Maybe you are simply printing. Because you live in a state where one may carry concealed or open, then no crime has occurred.

Now let's take the same situation, and move it to South Carolina. Again, you have a permit, and you are carrying concealed. That same cover garment slip, that same case of printing, and now you have broken the law. The police are called, you are detained (provided you are fortunate enough to escape being shot), and you receive a citation and/or are arrested. Your firearm is confiscated, you lose your permit, and your family is left defenseless while you work your way through a very expensive court procedure.

Open carry is important to us all.

I usually carry my firearm concealed, but I see no problem with the deterrence effect of open carry, and am glad that open carry is another tool in my box for self protection. It certainly seemed to work when I carried on duty!
The best reason for strong open carry rights, in my ever so humble opinion, is actually to protect concealed carriers. Say you live in a state, like Pennsylvania, where open carry is legal. Let's also say you are carrying your firearm in a concealed manner, with the proper permit, as you do most days. While out shopping you trip, or bend down to tie a shoelace, or perform some other action that causes your cover garment to slightly reveal your firearm. Maybe you are simply printing. Because you live in a state where one may carry concealed or open, then no crime has occurred.

Now let's take the same situation, and move it to South Carolina. Again, you have a permit, and you are carrying concealed. That same cover garment slip, that same case of printing, and now you have broken the law. The police are called, you are detained (provided you are fortunate enough to escape being shot), and you receive a citation and/or are arrested. Your firearm is confiscated, you lose your permit, and your family is left defenseless while you work your way through a very expensive court procedure.

Open carry is important to us all.

I usually carry my firearm concealed, but I see no problem with the deterrence effect of open carry, and am glad that open carry is another tool in my box for self protection. It certainly seemed to work when I carried on duty!

I agree. Here in Iowa we have never had a law on the books that said you had to carry concealed but each county sheriff (99 of them) had their own say on it for each county. Most county sheriffs would jerk your license if your concealed weapon was exposed or printing but our permits are called "Permit to carry weapons". As of Jan. 1st, 2011 we become a shall issues state and the 99 sheriffs have no say in it anymore, not even on open carry even though it technically wasn't ever against the law. Iowa Carry fought hard to get the laws changed to a shall issues state. I know that open carry is our 2nd right but I hope here in Iowa that our PTC people refrain from all open carrying right off the get go so as not to cause a panic to all the anti's
ok well I will post a link back to a previous thread. I suggest anyone that is "against" Open carrying or even on the fence on whether or not to OC to just read through the thread a little bit mostly the Opening Post. I too never saw the reason to OC but started dib dabbin around with it and now I OC about as much as I CC. It depends on where I am going ie. if I am going to the mall (since I have been asked to leave once already) or going to be around large crowds or going to an area that is in the gray on whether it is legal or not I simply CC. I know I am legal but others might question it, here in GA military and a list of others are exempt from most of the carry laws. However if get dressed and the shirt I pull out of the closet is a nice collard shirt that looks best tucked in I am not putting on my IWB holster and tucking around it I will simply just OC. I will not bring up any points made in the other thread at this time but allow yall to read through it and decide for yourself if OC really is as bad as you think it is. I will state that if you are 100% for CC only and OC should not be allowed then that is your choice and I say carry on but dont down someone else for protecting their families and themselves the way they see best fit.

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World English Dictionary
exhibitionism (ˌɛksɪˈbɪʃəˌnɪzəm)

— n
1. a compulsive desire to attract attention to oneself, esp by absurd or exaggerated behaviour or boasting

Exactly what he says

There's no need for open carry for anyone except for law officials. You want to excercise your right to carry? Do it concealed.
Exactly what he says

There's no need for open carry for anyone except for law officials. You want to excercise your right to carry? Do it concealed.

Again that's how YOU feel. why are you so against others exercising their right? I have heard of more crime being deterred from open carry rather than concealed. Also I have had many many more GOOD encounters with the uneducated while OC then I have while CC meaning they ask me about my firearm and I explain that even they could carry a weapon with them open or concealed (in my state) legally if they went through the process and that even though they dont see the weapons they have been around them many times before. As you so eloquently stated there is a reason LE carries Openly.

Link Removed

I will end with this, there are many people on this site that will argue both sides till they are blue. I will not say one should only OC or one should only CC but I will say carry how YOU are comfortable and stay armed. How I carry should not matter to you as long as I am carrying legally.
I am all for open carry here in Iowa. I think we will need to educate the people and break them in slowly to it even though it has been technically legal forever.
My hat’s off to those who choose to open carry. The more the general public becomes desensitized to open carry the more it will be accepted. Education is the key factor. Weapon equates to protection from the bad guy.
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I am with you on this one. If one wanted to carry out in the open for hunting or something like that where you would be better served to have it straped to your chest, then fine. Just my personal preference though to carry concealed. I would rather people not know I have a firearm on me. I think the overwhelming choice, by the general public, to carry is what brought about the CCW times we live in now. The down side is that the anti-gun crowd still get their stick in by passing rules about where one can carry. I feel as though if you are permitted, you should be able to carry anyplace where you have the legal right to be. (Except a courtroom) Again just my personal opinion, I know some will think I'm all wet on this.[/QUOTE

IN Minnesota there are few no carry zones. Court house, School. Private Property can post signs to prohibit firearms. You are allowed to CC, or OC unless they ask you to leave your firearm behind. If you decide to stay, they call the cops and if you further the issue, you are issued a $25. ticket. Thats right, twenty-five dollars. Nobody has seen my CC in those places with the signs.

OC while legal, is very out of place in the large cities. I don't know about the rural areas.

If I see someone OC in a place like Walmart, I might follow, and observe for a time. Like I said, it is way out of place here. All classes I have attended, the instructors frown on OC.

I OC while hunting, and even the drive to the hunting area. If I go into a gas station, etc, I put on a jacket to cover up the firearm. It is obvious to even a casual observer, it's deer season, I have a orange shirt, wool pants, and boots on. A firearm is near.

A pet peeve of mine is if someone harvests a deer, then straps it naked to the top of their vehicle uncovered. I cover my deer with a tarp laying in the bed of my pickup.
Why not cover it up to protect from road debris? There are several non-hunters. Why offend them? They know those hooves sticking out of the tarp belong to a deer. Why put it in their faces? Treat that whitetail with some respect. Don't be a hillbilly.

Why do people always think that they have some right of not being offended? That’s why we are in this Political Correctness mess were in now. If your action are not hurting anybody why would you give a rats ass?

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