How gun control passed.

The root of the problem is the whole idea of the general population having legislative power through the initiative system. The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. And I-594 is a perfect example of why the founding fathers never intended for the general population to be able to make laws. I-594 would never have passed if it was a bill in the legislature. It's a whole lot easier to convince a few legislators to vote against something than it is hundreds of thousands of mindless lemmings voting with their emotions bought by rich liars. Unless the whole initiative system is deemed to be unconstitutional and done away with, I'm afraid we're doomed to suffer under horrible "legislature" like I-594.
...It's a whole lot easier to convince a few legislators to vote against something than it is hundreds of thousands of mindless lemmings voting with their emotions bought by rich liars...
Therein lies the problem. Some people are too stupid and/or uninformed to be allowed to vote. How can any state get away with Constitution straddling legislation being passed by public referendum? I would be willing to bet that as many pro-gun people voted for the gun control as did anti-gunners just because of the bait-and-switch tactics.
It passed because the title was misleading.

I think the title could have been completely accurate and it still would have passed. It was the flat out lies being pushed in the commercials and mailers with absolutely no effort to expose the lies that pushed the lemmings over the cliff. For example, one mailer I got showed a cop with the big headline "Law enforcement supports background checks" (or something like that). Well, the actual truth was that the photo was of the RETIRED chief of police of Bellingham. The other half of the truth was that the two largest police associations in the state, the majority of currently elected sheriffs, and currently working rank and file police officers were against I-594. But the general population never got to see that on their TVs or in their mailboxes.

Then there was the battered woman commercial about how background checks would keep firearms out of the hands of abusers. The truth should have been shown where a woman is being threatened and she calls 911 and the police show up an hour later. The woman being threatened should have said, "I don't understand it. I have to pass a background check just to take a self defense class to learn how to use a firearm!" Then the camera should have shown a cop sitting at a desk with a stack of background check forms and said, "These thousands of background checks being required on people who will obey the law won't do anything to stop domestic violence or any other criminal. What would you rather I spend my time doing? Background checks on law abiding citizens, or be out on the street investigating crimes and catching real criminals?"

None of the big pro-gun organizations that had any kind of resources to fight I-594 in the media did a single thing to stop it other than call a few of their members to tell them to vote.

And that is why the initiative system needs to be abolished. We see an ad on TV promoting a bill in the legislature and, hopefully, the legislators will follow the 2 or 3 thousand people protesting the bill on the capitol grounds instead of lying TV ads. The general population is just going to go with what is shoved down their throats on TV and in their mailboxes, regardless of what the title of the initiative is printed on the ballot. And if the legislators don't pay attention to the 2 or 3 thousand people on the capitol lawn then we can vote them out or recall them, like happened in Colorado. But we can't do a single thing to the imbeciles who believe TV ads.
At what point do people wakeup to the fact that existing gun laws are never held accountable? If the old laws aren't having there desired effect why do we keep pilling new ones onto the old ones? This goes for all our laws. We don't take into account what does or doesn't work. No no, we just pile on new ones. When the new ones don't work, we pile on even more. Never mind, rant over.
You must remember you can still go through the courts and have it declared unconstitutional think about bans passed by the people on gay marriage . Not an ideal situation but doable

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At what point do people wakeup to the fact that existing gun laws are never held accountable? If the old laws aren't having there desired effect why do we keep pilling new ones onto the old ones? This goes for all our laws. We don't take into account what does or doesn't work. No no, we just pile on new ones. When the new ones don't work, we pile on even more. Never mind, rant over.

Consider EVERY SHOOTING in the state of Washington in the past fifty years.... how many of them would have been prevented by this new disgusting law? NOT ONE. And the people who crammed it down the gullible throats of the comatose voters know it. They want firearms out of the hands of the common man, and do not hesitate to say so. In fact, the day AFTER this election, the two main Seattle papers that promoted it (with more lies) openly admitted it was a "gun control bill", but before the election it was always a "gun safety bill". Liars!!!
And if the legislators don't pay attention to the 2 or 3 thousand people on the capitol lawn then we can vote them out or recall them, like happened in Colorado.

Sure, they were voted out in Colorado in a recall election - and then replaced by two more dems who will, no doubt, pursue exactly the same kinds of legislation. How many more of the original legislators who helped push through the GC legislation, whose names never appeared on a recall, are still in power there? The legislation is still on the books, and Hickenlooper was re-elected, which will be interpreted as a mandate to continue the push for more gun control. Bloomberg was right: even though a couple of legislators were sacrificed like pawns, gun control still won in Colorado.

So what, exactly, was REALLY accomplished in Colorado? The status quo ante was quickly re-established after what will be perceived by many as a momentary hissy fit thrown by the pro-Second Amendment crowd.


In fact, not only did Coloradans vote in two new Dems, one of the two, Michael Merrifield, was a former Bloomberg staffer!
Sure, they were voted out in Colorado in a recall election - and then replaced by two more dems who will, no doubt, pursue exactly the same kinds of legislation. How many more of the original legislators who helped push through the GC legislation, whose names never appeared on a recall, are still in power there? The legislation is still on the books, and Hickenlooper was re-elected, which will be interpreted as a mandate to continue the push for more gun control. Bloomberg was right: even though a couple of legislators were sacrificed like pawns, gun control still won in Colorado.

So what, exactly, was REALLY accomplished in Colorado? The status quo ante was quickly re-established after what will be perceived by many as a momentary hissy fit thrown by the pro-Second Amendment crowd.
Look at NYS. Cuomo introduced and forced a vote on the Safe Act overnight. He threatened the coffers of anyone who resisted him and the cowards cowered.
New York residents get a bad rap for not fighting for their rights. NYC decides our laws. They control our vote. Well, we went to the state capital, 7,000 strong, and it did nothing. Cuomo and the dem controlled assembly laughed at us.
Look at NYS. Cuomo introduced and forced a vote on the Safe Act overnight. He threatened the coffers of anyone who resisted him and the cowards cowered.
New York residents get a bad rap for not fighting for their rights. NYC decides our laws. They control our vote. Well, we went to the state capital, 7,000 strong, and it did nothing. Cuomo and the dem controlled assembly laughed at us.

Maybe..... Just maybe it's time for "us" to slap that smug grin off of their faces......HARD!

Just sayin..... Ya know?

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Perhaps starting an initiative to eliminate initiatives?

AMEN brother! The general public should never be trusted with the authority to create and pass new laws. The initiative system should only allow the people to force the legislature as a whole to vote on the proposed law eliminating the possibility of the bill to die in committee.