Therein lies the problem. Some people are too stupid and/or uninformed to be allowed to vote. How can any state get away with Constitution straddling legislation being passed by public referendum? I would be willing to bet that as many pro-gun people voted for the gun control as did anti-gunners just because of the bait-and-switch tactics....It's a whole lot easier to convince a few legislators to vote against something than it is hundreds of thousands of mindless lemmings voting with their emotions bought by rich liars...
It passed because the title was misleading.
At what point do people wakeup to the fact that existing gun laws are never held accountable? If the old laws aren't having there desired effect why do we keep pilling new ones onto the old ones? This goes for all our laws. We don't take into account what does or doesn't work. No no, we just pile on new ones. When the new ones don't work, we pile on even more. Never mind, rant over.
And if the legislators don't pay attention to the 2 or 3 thousand people on the capitol lawn then we can vote them out or recall them, like happened in Colorado.
Look at NYS. Cuomo introduced and forced a vote on the Safe Act overnight. He threatened the coffers of anyone who resisted him and the cowards cowered.Sure, they were voted out in Colorado in a recall election - and then replaced by two more dems who will, no doubt, pursue exactly the same kinds of legislation. How many more of the original legislators who helped push through the GC legislation, whose names never appeared on a recall, are still in power there? The legislation is still on the books, and Hickenlooper was re-elected, which will be interpreted as a mandate to continue the push for more gun control. Bloomberg was right: even though a couple of legislators were sacrificed like pawns, gun control still won in Colorado.
So what, exactly, was REALLY accomplished in Colorado? The status quo ante was quickly re-established after what will be perceived by many as a momentary hissy fit thrown by the pro-Second Amendment crowd.
Look at NYS. Cuomo introduced and forced a vote on the Safe Act overnight. He threatened the coffers of anyone who resisted him and the cowards cowered.
New York residents get a bad rap for not fighting for their rights. NYC decides our laws. They control our vote. Well, we went to the state capital, 7,000 strong, and it did nothing. Cuomo and the dem controlled assembly laughed at us.
Perhaps starting an initiative to eliminate initiatives?