Here it comes

I have to say what ever it takes to keep our 2nd amendment rights......

They play dirty we have to fight fire with fire.
It's the Washington Post. While I am sure there is some truth in the article, all I will do is shrug my shoulders because any idiot can see that the Socialist in Thief freeloading in the White House really wants a ban and confiscation. Don't need the Washington Times or a Justice memo to tell me anything either way.
Obama knows all about this memo and if he thought he could ram these proposals through he would do it in a heart beat. If they ever succeed in getting a so called AWB here is what will come next:
1. We now need to get rid of all of those rapid fire semi-auto handgun, they are simply too dangerous. All other guns are o.k.
2. We have to get ride of all handguns, they are simply too easy for evil people to conceal. All other guns are o.k.
3. We have to get rid of all of those dangerous sniper rifles that have telescopic sights and shoot for long distances. All other guns are o.k.
4. We have to get rid of all rifles. Guns that can shoot at a great distance are just too dangerous. All other guns are o.k.
5. We have to get rid of pump shotguns. No one needs 5-6 shots to defend themselves, just too dangerous. All other guns are o.k.
6. We need to get rid of all double barrell shotguns. Why does anyone need more than 1 rd. All other guns are o.k.
7. We need to get rid of all shotguns. The government will protect everyone. No guns are o.k.

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