help with getting my ccw in ri


New member
im looking for help and advice in getting my ri ccw. i know they just dont hand them out without restriction unless you can give a valid reason other than all lawful purposes ,what should be written in the letter other than that reason
Not sure about RI.....

but welcome to the site and good luck on getting your CCW!

I'm sure someone in here on the east coast can help you out.
We need a little more information......

Welcome aboard the 2A ship, Jrek. We could probably help you better with a bit more information. For example, if you handle lots of cash or similarly valuable merchandise i.e. jewelry, then you could submit a letter from your employer stating that fact. Even better if you make bank deposits.

Good luck!
yes i do not do any deposits or anything to do with jewlery or etc but the state is suppose to be a may issue but i was told the town is suppose to be a shall issue .. should i go to the town and get one , try the ag office . i dont under stand if its a con.right how can i be denied?
Sorry, Jrek. RI is a bit slippery with their terms.

yes i do not do any deposits or anything to do with jewlery or etc but the state is suppose to be a may issue but i was told the town is suppose to be a shall issue .. should i go to the town and get one , try the ag office .

Well, even though RI terms its process "Shall Issue", because of the requirement to show need, it is in essence a "May Issue" state. Would your boss help you out with showing need?

i dont under stand if its a con.right how can i be denied?

We are all trying to wrap our heads around that one, Jrek. :wacko:
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what if i get a letter from family member who is in realastate stating that i do evictions and clean outs of his foreclosed properties
Not bad, but.....

what if i get a letter from family member who is in realastate stating that i do evictions and clean outs of his foreclosed properties

I would leave off the "doing evictions" part (why, he is an armed guy going looking for trouble) and stress the "clean outs of foreclosed properties" part (he was just doing his job when this irate former homeowner came looking for trouble). Other than that, it sounds like a plan. Incidentally, if you don't already, I would ask your family member to let you help with at least one real clean out. Just make sure it is not my house!
Help with getting CCW

I believe what jrek was trying to say was: If it is a constitutional right, how can he be denied? You might ask that of the legislators in Wisconsin and Illinois. they are the only two staes, taht according to the permit map, do not issue permits in any case.
Almost there, fuzman.

I believe what jrek was trying to say was: If it is a constitutional right, how can he be denied? You might ask that of the legislators in Wisconsin and Illinois. they are the only two staes, taht according to the permit map, do not issue permits in any case.

Unfortunately, Wuz, that map really does not tell the whole story. We also have fellow citizens in American Samoa and North Mariana that downright deny the people their 2A right. Closer to home, the other three territories and several states style themselves as "may issue" states. Truth be told, most of these "may issue" states are, in reality, "right denied" states.

The kicker, for me, is that it seems the more dangerous the location, the more the right to protection is crushed. Truly sad, and it will spread if we don't thwart the gun grabbers now.
jrek, I'm a part time RI resident and checked into getting a ccw last summer. Technically your local police or sherriff is authorized to issue a permit, however,it seems they have tried to remove themselves of this responsibility (illegally I'm quite sure). The locals will tell you to submit your request directly to the State AG.
If you don't personally know him, you can pretty much kiss it off. Good luck.
Oh, I do have my blue card and yellow card for RI.
are you saying i need to know him to just get the application from him or to get approved from him
im also looking for advice on a springfield dont no if i should go 9mm or .40 i no the differences just dont no if the more power is better than a lower price of ammoin a 9mm
Pistol Permit

I am one of the instructors that signs off the pistol permit paperwork when you qualify at the 25 yard line using an ARMY L Target. You have three (3) ten minute shot strings for a total of 30 rounds in 30 minutes. Your best bet is to qualify with a .45 Cal. You can carry that caliber and anything below it.

As far as getting an unrestricted permit, you can argue your justification with the Chief of BCI at the Attorney General's Office.
jrek, I'm a part time RI resident and checked into getting a ccw last summer. Technically your local police or sherriff is authorized to issue a permit, however,it seems they have tried to remove themselves of this responsibility (illegally I'm quite sure). The locals will tell you to submit your request directly to the State AG.
If you don't personally know him, you can pretty much kiss it off. Good luck.
Oh, I do have my blue card and yellow card for RI.

What is a yellow card?
Have you read the Link Removed Page 4 give some factors in assessing of "showing need".

Shall Issue...but require showing of lame. :fie:
Yellow Card

What is a yellow card?
A "Yellow Card" is I believe to be a Hunter Education Card (which is actually pinkish) The 2011 DEM range permit cards are GREEN and good for 4 yrs. The RI State Pistol/Revolver cards which are also issued by the DEM (blue cards) are still BLUE.
Showing of need

Have you read the Link Removed Page 4 give some factors in assessing of "showing need".

Shall Issue...but require showing of lame. :fie:

This state is very restrictive when it comes to LAWFUL firearms ownership and self preservation. From what I have found, take a weapons self defense class, get range time with the weapon you intend to carry before you take the range qualification. There are only two ranges that I know about what are open to the public. In Warwick there is the police range open to civilians on Sundays for a $15 dollar a yr fee which is very reasonable. They are very regimented there however it is a very good range with top level instructors and it is very safe. The other is the Great Swamp Management Area range run by the DEM. It is free to get your permit card and open 7 days a week also with very good range safety officers/instructors. All it takes for access to the DEM range is the application (also free) and a safety class (free) done at the range the day you pick up your permit. I do not have a ccw permit in this state as there are too many hoops to jump through even though I could easily use my Veteran status especially with my previous military occupation. However I am now a civilian and don't think it's the right thing to do to use a past status to obtain something that should be granted to all civilians wanting to do the right thing. If you get denied for any reason, you have to state that on other states apps you would be applying to also. I am moving to a nice lawful gun friendly state soon so I don't need a RI permit. If you do apply for a RI CCW then make damn sure you have a "VALID" reason for wanting to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones. As I was told "protection of life and property" isn't a valid reason to the AG's office although it is a good enough reason in other states. This is just my opinion as I'm sure everyone has their own but if a person is legally able to purchase a firearm (after you take that ridiculous blue card test) then why do you also need to show "need" to carry that said firearm? Connecticut and Massachusetts requires you to obtain a License To Carry card BEFORE you can even purchase a firearm which to me is the way to go. If a state wants to save money (I know- nobody wants to get rid of current jobs and save money) once a person is legally able to purchase a pistol and or revolver an authorization letter should be faxed or emailed to a specific person at the DMV and then you go get a new drivers license with a little red pistol up in either the right or left hand corner. However I think I'm making sense and of course we can't have that. This was a longer reply that I originally intended but I was on a roll and got my thoughts out. Anyone who disagrees with my views or thoughts I have this to say. It is still a 'FREE' country we live in and yes I did help defend it for 8 years so I do have a right to say it's a 'FREE' country and still the best!

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