Hello fellow Washitonians


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Just wanted to say hello to others in the state.

Welcome, but we aren't all from Washington. I'm in NM, but have had a Washington license off and on for 15-18 years (long enough to forget the first one!). Annual family visits to various parts of Washington make staying licensed a useful exercise. I'm looking for more activity on the various state postings on this site. :)
I'm a new member and thought I would check in here first. My name is Ken, and I'm on Whidbey Island. I have had a carry permit for nearly 35 years and seldom carry, but there are times that it "just feels right".
KenS - Surprise! I spent 21 years on Partridge Point (actually, in my home at Sierra Country Club). I'm "land bound" now, in NM - single digits of annual rainfall :D, and I don't have to get on the roof to hold my shingles on now :). I would like to see some more action on the various state postings, but seems pretty slow. Got my first Concealed Pisto License at the Coupeville sheriffs office.
Hello folks! I moved to Washington in May 2006 liked so much I bought a house near Spokane. I wish I was there now back in Iraq for another round but looking forward to coming home. Lots of guns here in Iraq not much chance to shoot, I shoot more at home.
Hey all. Thought I'd jump in and introduce myself. I'm Michael from Ferndale. Unlike KenS I carry all the time. Nothing negative on KenS, but I don't feel right unless I am carrying. My primary carry is a Ed Brown Kobra M1911 .45 ACP. I highly recommend the holster I carry this in: The Pager Pal. See it at PagerPal.com. I go everywhere with it and I don't have to wear different cloths to conceal. Very functional and practical. The only place I can't carry is when I'm at work as a fireman in Seattle. Anyway, I'd be interested if any of you are around this area near the boarder. I'm always looking for someone to go shoot with at the Custer Gun Club. So... howdy!
KenS - Surprise! I spent 21 years on Partridge Point (actually, in my home at Sierra Country Club). I'm "land bound" now, in NM - single digits of annual rainfall :D, and I don't have to get on the roof to hold my shingles on now :). I would like to see some more action on the various state postings, but seems pretty slow. Got my first Concealed Pisto License at the Coupeville sheriffs office.

Me Too! Hmmm, I guess I've gotten all of them there.;)
Enjoy the warmth of NM, It's been a nice winter here so far, but still tough on arthritis.
Best Regards, Ken.
Greeting all..am in Arkansas but frequent the Spokane area often as my brother lives north of there..his wife has family there and that help her when he is over seas as he is now..he will be home in March and there is a good chance that I will be up that way then, thus is why I am in the need for WA laws so that I know the ground rules going in (yeah I know, WA does not acknowledge AR permits, thus is why I have Utah..)

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