Hammer Down in Myrtle Beach?


New member
There is supposed to be a new gun shop over near Waccamaw Pottery called Hammer Down. I tried to find it this morning but could not locate it. I had heard they were a gun dealer as well as a gun range. I was hoping to take the first shops with my new S&W there to see what it was like compared to Myrtle Beach indoor...but I just couldn't find it. Have any of you locals heard of it so we can add contact info and address to the sc gun shop list? And do you know what ammenities they have such as a range....store.....sight smith?
Have you been there to check it out? I noticed you are from HI, but since you've posted on a couple of SC topics I didn't know if your hear visiting.
I went by and checked the shop out on Friday. Very nice older couple, clean shop, not a lot of firearms yet but some nice stuff. I want the shop owners sidearm!!!! Nice Kimber.
I went this afternoon. I was going to say the same thing as the post above. They do not have a range. Their shop is kind of hard to spot as it is up on the second level.

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