Had to send the Taurus PT140 Pro Back


Staff member
From Nevada Carry:

While at Front Sight last weekend taking the Handgun Skill Builder my Taurus was jamming every time we would do a Type 1 malfunction drill. I would have the loaded mag, empty chamber, and action set. Then I point in, press the trigger, CLICK, then tap the mag and rack the slide to the rear. As the slide came forward, the firing pin (?) was still poking out and would rest on the top back of the round it was trying to chamber causing it to jam.

A few people took a look and didn't know what was wrong. Someone suggested to take it apart down to the springs to see if it was gummed up but when I got home I realized I didn't know how to do this and it wasn't the time to figure it out. Since Taurus has the lifetime warranty I decided to just send it back and use my Beretta 90-two the last day.

So I'm thinking either the gun broke or something is gummed up from my shooting it so much. I ALWAYS clean my weapon after I come home from shooting it but not down to the springs. I'd say I put anywhere from 2500-3000 rounds through it since I purchased it brand new. For a gun that I plan on carrying every day and shoot a lot to make sure I'm proficient with it, this kind of sucks. So for all my friends that told me not to get it and to get a Glock, go ahead and say "I told you so!"!

I don't want to badmouth Taurus here as I'm sure they will solve the problem for me but I just don't think I'll want to keep the gun after I get it back. I'm leaning toward getting a Glock 23 or 27.
I've got a certificate for a 4-day course at Front Sight -- I'll wind up taking their Handgun Course, I just have to save up a bit of cash to take the trip out to Nevada. I *really* can't wait to do that.

Sorry to hear about the PT-140 troubles. I have been carrying and shooting my 2nd Generation PT-145 for over 3 years and have shot 5000+ rounds without any such failures through it. I like it so much I bought a second to carry in my car when traveling. I hope they fix the problem, but am sorry to hear that you have lost total faith in the gun because of one problem. I have had guns that were considered the top of the line and costing three times as much literally destruct in my hands after 1/3 the rounds through them. The fact that they are built by human hands makes any of them prone to a breakage or malfunction from time to time....that's what the warranty is for. I hope the Glock gives you that level of trust you are looking for in your personal defense weapon. I am really supprised that the Baretta will not fulfill that role, since you trusted it enough to take along as a backup to the Taurus. Good luck!!

They did fix it and I'll be posting a detailed review of it. I am currently still carrying it everyday until I get my new CCW permit back with my Glock 23 on it. Once I get that I will be carrying the Glock everyday. I bought that to replace it. I'm sure Taurus is a great gun still and my dad was actually thinking of buying it from me. But I just don't want to carry it as my regular carry gun knowing that is broke.
What did they indicate was wrong?

Did something actually break or was it a cleaning problem due to having been fired a lot?

If it was a cleaning problem did they inform on how to prevent that in the future?

Like anything man makes it can malfunction once in a while.

You indicated that you've fired 2500-3000 rounds through it without any problems that to me indicates plenty of reliability.
More worried about the Tomcat

I would worry about the Tomcat more than the rehabbed Taurus. When it first hit the market I bought one and similar to you, I shoot. After 1054 rds. catastrophic failure. I called a contact at Baretta and was told that I was crazy, no one shoots those guns that much. The stated service life was 1000 rds. I don't know if that has changed. They did replace it and I sold it unfired. The larger picture is this, I have several Kel Tec P32's the first one failed at 84 rds, sent back, repaired, still functioning. One went 220 rds, same thing. Those were very early production. The others are spread out over the next 5-6 yrs, no problems. They are cheap and easy to stash within reach almost anywhere.
I have a Taurus PT 145 Pro on its way back now to Taurus. The problem is a light strike on the primer, fires on the second strike most times. Occurs about 6 times out of magazine of 10. I plan on putting it in reserve if it goes 200 rds without a bobble.
The larger picture is this. They all break at one time or another! Not every gun but every model and type. That's why we carry backups.
Try for 3 levels, even if #3 is a knife.
Good luck,
I just bought my wife an XD-40 for her b'day after looking very close at the Taurus line of compact semi-autos. I wish I could've bought the Taurus actually, but there are literally hundreds of reviews and forum-postings out there describing similar problems with them. If I recall correctly, I read only one review/post about any kind of failure with the XD. That was one stovepipe out of 1,000 rounds and the guy has continued a high volume of shooting without another hiccup in performance.

Another consideration between the two was the customer service. Along with all the jams/FTFs/FTEs, many of those same reviews/posts included some kind of nightmare with Taurus' customer service dept, while many of the XD posters were telling of getting free holsters and parts for nothing more than a simple inquiry about availability.

The Tauruses are priced right, but nothing that malfunctions regularly, and that you stake your life on, is worth anything, so I went with the XD for Mrs. BluesStringer.

I hope all goes well with the repair or replacement of your Taurus Luke. I think you'll be better prepared though with a Glock or something equivalent.

While mine is a PT145 (third generation), I have problems with light primer strikes. I sent it back to Taurus (as great personal expense - thanks UPS), and while it was improved initially, it's now worse than before.

They replaced the striker and captive spring assembly.

I've removed those components and thoroughly cleaned the striker channel and checked for obstructions, but I don't see anything wrong... but it's still failing.

I was hoping this would be a great carry gun, but quite frankly, I've lost a lot of faith in the thing. I love this gun... but it doesn't always go bang.

I'd love to get this thing functioning at a 100% level, but I'm stumped... If there are any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
Had issues with my PT-145 MilPRO, which I'd purchased for carry. The barrel was slamming into the front of the mag and lightly damaging the feed ramp... I was getting rounds jammed in between the breech face and the inside/front of the mag... frame pins walking out... just a mess.

Sent it back and they lightly polished the feed ramp (lot of good that does!) and supposedly replaced the grip frame. Don't think I've shot it since.

Before I bought it I'd read plenty of bad news about Taurus pistols online but I thought, how bad can they really be? I failed to heed the warning signs and got bitten for it. (I'm sure there are plenty of good ones out there, I just think it's more likely that you will get a bad one from Taurus than from many other mfgs.)

Now running a Glock with no issues, and am not looking back.
I'm expecting my permit with my Glock 23 added on it tomorrow so I'll be making the switch soon.
What did they indicate was wrong?

Did something actually break or was it a cleaning problem due to having been fired a lot?

If it was a cleaning problem did they inform on how to prevent that in the future?

Like anything man makes it can malfunction once in a while.

You indicated that you've fired 2500-3000 rounds through it without any problems that to me indicates plenty of reliability.

They replaced the firing pin and said not to shoot reloaded ammo through it and to clean it after every time I shot it.

I didn't use reloaded ammo and cleaned it every time I got it back. I guess it needed a better cleaning but I don't want a gun I get to break all the way down to clean it every time. I try to shoot at least once a week.
They replaced the firing pin and said not to shoot reloaded ammo through it and to clean it after every time I shot it.

I didn't use reloaded ammo and cleaned it every time I got it back. I guess it needed a better cleaning but I don't want a gun I get to break all the way down to clean it every time. I try to shoot at least once a week.

FWIW, Taurus include that note about reloads/cleaning on every "repair" receipt I've ever seen or heard of. Seems to just be a standard disclaimer whether or not it really applies.
The only complaint I have had about my pt140pro is the long trigger pull. I can't shoot it as well as some of my others. It was my carry gun for a long time. I never have had an issue with it. No ftf, fte, anything. Please don't tell Taurus, but I have shot many reloads through it. :)
I have heard the same thing. Always blame reloads and cleaning on every issue, never admit to just having a bad egg in the basket.
I had a taurus 357 snubby that would heat up after about 20 rounds and lock up. 38's fired fine even when hot. I took a feeler gauge to the cylender and found alot of differance in clearance around frame. Light stoning to release some metar and all was fine. The problem is One of quality control. Gun was a monday made gun.