Gunshot Wound and how to treat them - Dark Angle Medical


PEW Professional
Posted for gee-wiz, criticisms, rebuttals or discussion. I know some of your are/were EMTs or Paramedics, others have combat SABC skills and this will be redundant. However, I see a lack of first-aid knowledge as a huge problem among the firearms/shooting community. I hope this helps get the "wheels turning" and more of you take emergency first-aid more seriously if you previously hadn't.

"Gunshot Wound and how to treat them, Kerry Davis of Dark Angel Medical shows us how."

Stay safe.

Good post. Always carry two trauma kits, one for inducing trauma and one for relieving trauma. Get trained to use both properly, as both can save lives. A medical trauma kit is not only for gunshot wounds, but also for many other emergencies (e.g., accidents and disasters).
Indeed, bofh. I have a first-aid kit in my truck (Wife's car, too) that has everything from general first-aid items on up to trauma treatment. I also have IFAKs on every LBE/kit I own so they're always with me on the range. My go-to loadout ("battle" belt & plate carrier) both have an IFAK on them and every now and then I wear both during training so there's lots to go around, first-aid wise. I always like to have at least two tourniquets on me when shooting (depending on kit, there's four), just in case.

Like you said, get trained on how to render SABC... it may save lives.
Man I really failed on getting that first aid info on here....thanks for picking up the slack gunner!

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I wish there was a "like" feature still, great pic!!!

I have two children, a 6yo girl and a 4yo boy. For all the headaches and struggles that being a parent brings into one's life, it also brings a perspective that becomes the "why" in everything you do. What I do and why I do it is ultimately for them, for their lives that I hopefully will see many decades of.

However, I will gladly give whatever could be the rest of my existence for the opportunity for my children to live a more free life than I.

I know you feel the same way, Chen. Enjoy every moment you have with your little man, for they pass far too quickly.

P.S. In the interests of disclosure, seeing as you let us see you, here's pic of me. I generally don't like being photographed, as my facial expression can probably project.

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