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Just one more atrocity against our military....

BREAKING NEWS: Pentagon Burns Soldiers Bibles - Military Chaplains Attacked

A Pentagon spokesman under the Obama Administration has just acknowledged seizing and burning the privately owned Bibles of American soldiers serving in Afghanistan. The Bibles had been printed in the local Pashto and Dari languages, and sent by private donors last year to American Christian soldiers and chaplains, for distribution to American troops on overseas military bases during optionally-attended Christian worship services. Had the Bibles not been recently seized and destroyed, they could have legally been given as gifts during off-duty time to Afghani citizens who welcome our troops in their homes, as an expression of American gratitude for Afghani hospitality, promoting the democratic ideals of freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

But the Muslim controlled Al Jazeera television network obtained video footage of the Bibles, held by American soldiers while listening to a chaplain on the Bagram Air Base (inside the base chapel) whose sermon encouraged outreach and personal evangelism. The American values of freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of Christian speech offended some extremist Muslim groups, and angered a small group of American atheists, who demanded the chaplain be punished for "proselytizing" because he simply repeated Jesus' words to "Go and make disciples of all nations" in church. (Can you imagine their outrage if we burned the Koran, instead of the Bible?)
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"...punished for "proselytizing" because he simply repeated Jesus' words to "Go and make disciples of all nations"..."

causes enough problems in the USA. But nowhere near the problems it causes in Muslim countries.
pros·e·ly·tize (pr
Link Removed-lLink Removed-tLink Removedz
)v. pros·e·ly·tized, pros·e·ly·tiz·ing, pros·e·ly·tiz·es
v.intr.1. To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith.

People in the United States have "freedom of religion", and that is a nice choice to have.

Let those people over there have freedom of religion, let them be free from the USA trying to convert them to "our" Christian faith.

BUT... religious people (of ALL the different religions, even the man made ones like Scientology) need to remember, that means they are free to study ANY religion they wish to study, they are guaranteed that right.

It does NOT mean they are free to try to get others to believe as they do. NOT to preach to others while a member of the military, even if it is on their off time. Military people are in the military 24/7/365 until they are discharged.

Those people trying to do that over "there" (wherever "there" may be in the world) are causing problems for the military. One of those "bibles" gets handed out and the native receiving it, if asked; "Where did you get that?" would answer;"From an American GI."

Oops, problem. American GIs are NOT in the religion business. American GIs are welcome to believe as they please, but they step across the line when they "force" their religion on someone in a country where we (the USA) is fighting a war.

America does pretty good with the "freedom of religion" deal...just think if it were like in a lot of the other parts of the world where people are KILLED by the carload, everyday, over religion.
Catholics & Protestants
... Ireland/England anyone? What if that was the way it was in the USA today? A real mess that would be.

And we had American Military people who wanted to cause MORE religious problems in the countries we are fighting in? Is someone nuts? YES, but this time they were stopped.

Those people have been fighting religious wars for THOUSANDS of YEARS, and now (who knows how many times they have done this) someone in the USA Military wants to walk in there and stir up the fire with telling people who HAVE been fighting religious wars for THOUSANDS of YEARS;

"Hey, here you are, THIS book, the "Bible" is the ONLY correct religion. You people are going to burn in Hell if you don't bow down to OUR God. Our God is stronger than your God."

It all boils down to: Religion is a personal matter, let everyone choose their own, or not. There are people who don't believe in any type of God, that is okay with me too. That is their right.

How would you like it if your neighbors told you: This is the way you will mow your yard, trim your shrubs, water your lawn, park your car or pickup in your driveway, the color you will paint your house, the type of roof you will put on it, the type of gun you will own, the brand of ammunition you will buy, THE CHURCH YOU WILL GO TO, THE RELIGION YOU WILL BELIEVE IN.

And yes, there ARE places where they do tell you how to do your yard and things if you belong/live in a co-op in a condo or townhouse. But for people just living in a single family home... nope, don't need anyone telling me what to do. NONE of it.

Put the guns and ammo in the stores on the shelves, "I" will pick out what "I" want, you can choose what you want.

Religion TOO, put all the different "Bibles" on the shelves and let "ME" decide which ones "I" want to buy and read/study. We have freedom of religion, I do NOT need anyone to tell "ME" what I "NEED" to believe when it comes to religion. I can choose my own God very well, thank you.

And we (the USA) NEEDS to let EVERYONE decide which religion/God they wish to study/worship.

Let "those" countries put "Bibles" (KJ, Mormon, JW, Scientologist, whichever bible THEY want or don't want) on their store shelves for people to buy.

It sure is NOT the USA Military's job to try to sell people on "our" religion.

You can believe in your God, I will believe in my God, others can believe in their God. Whether they are the same or not, it isn't something for our military to get involved in. It just adds to the "America is the Great Evil Satan"... and MANY more dead people. Ours and theirs.

Just my opinion, of course.

Let those people over there have freedom of religion, let them be free from the USA trying to convert them to "our" Christian faith.

Well the problem is they do not have freedom of religion. They are free to be Musliam and that only.
Let those people over there have freedom of religion, let them be free from the USA trying to convert them to "our" Christian faith.

Well the problem is they do not have freedom of religion. They are free to be Musliam and that only.

And it is NOT the USAs place to stick our nose in their business about who they worship. It is up to them to put the other religious books in their stores and to buy them. The USA needs to quit running around the world saying:

"If you don't believe in my religion, I will either MAKE you believe as I do or I will kill you."

The USA needs to quit doing that. I have a God I believe in. Do I think EVERYBODY NEEDS to believe in the God I believe in? NO. It seems ALL of the religious wars are caused by people trying to convert others to their way of thinking. Back off, leave people alone when it comes to religion.

"Oh, but God TOLD me I was to MAKE these people convert to my religion."

Yeah, right.

People CAN and DO make their bible say ANYTHING they want it to say.

How sad. Everyone has the right God, everyone thinks the other persons God is the wrong one. KILL them if they won't convert.

Thus, the world we have today. And it will just keep getting worse.

Mean while... I will pray.
And it is NOT the USAs place to stick our nose in their business about who they worship. It is up to them to put the other religious books in their stores and to buy them. The USA needs to quit running around the world saying:

"If you don't believe in my religion, I will either MAKE you believe as I do or I will kill you."

The USA needs to quit doing that. I have a God I believe in. Do I think EVERYBODY NEEDS to believe in the God I believe in? NO. It seems ALL of the religious wars are caused by people trying to convert others to their way of thinking. Back off, leave people alone when it comes to religion.

"Oh, but God TOLD me I was to MAKE these people convert to my religion."

Yeah, right.

People CAN and DO make their bible say ANYTHING they want it to say.

How sad. Everyone has the right God, everyone thinks the other persons God is the wrong one. KILL them if they won't convert.

Thus, the world we have today. And it will just keep getting worse.

Mean while... I will pray.

I don't think it has anything to do with t"America" converting anybody however as a Christian I will not let my government or anyone else tell me I can not share my faith with whomever I please. I worship God not my government or any man./I]
I will not let my government or anyone else tell me I can not share my faith with whomever I please. I worship God not my government or any man./I]

If you want to share your faith with the world, go right ahead. Our brave men and women in the military, on the other hand, are over there to do a military job. They are not religious missionaries. It sends the wrong message to have U.S. military representatives handing out religious materials.
If you want to share your faith with the world, go right ahead. Our brave men and women in the military, on the other hand, are over there to do a military job. They are not religious missionaries. It sends the wrong message to have U.S. military representatives handing out religious materials.

And what would that wrong message be? That obediance to God is important? Yes they are in the military but that does not superceed their relation to God.

And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15

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