STONEY, we understand your frustration, however why don't you start a new thread instead of opening old threads which are over a year old with outdated info.

I just did a check using the map feature on this website and, from what I can see it looks like, for an SC resident and permit holder, the FL and NH permits are about equal. One advantage to me is that, for FL, I would probably have to take the CWP class again as I can't find any of my info (I've had my permit for at least 8 years) and it looks like NH just wants a copy of my permit and $100.00.
I'd pay the extra $17 and get Florida's unless you are planning to go to N.H. anytime soon.

As for the documentation for the class... depending on who you took it from, you might could contact them and get a copy of the certificate or such... I can't remember exactly what Florida requires but they are a lot friendlier with problems on the form than S.C. in my experience.
Fl - SC Its all about residency

I currently am a resident of SC but own property in Fl. Just finished a Fl CWP class in hopes of carrying in both states with just a FL CWP, Just found out that SC does not recognize FL CWP if you are a SC resident. I wanted a FL CWP because it is legal to carry in 35 states as opposed to SC who only recognizes 18 states. You can get a FL CWP even if you are not a resident or own property there..... Unfortunately 4 of the 35 states that Fl reciprocates with do not honor that agreement if you are a resident of one of those 4 states.
PA app has to be done in person, so I would say AZ would be the easiest way to go now that is if your state requires a 8 hour class.
Just to answer the Dueling Driver's License statement. I have both a SC 'resident' permit and a FL 'non-resident permit.... in fact I'm in the process of renewing the Florida one...

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