Feinstein to Introduce Assault Weapons Ban on Day One of 113th Congress


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US Senator Dianne Feinstein has promised she will introduce an assault weapons ban on day one of the 113th Congress. (In January)

"It will ban the sale, the transfer, the importation and the possession, not retroactively, but prospectively," and ban the sale of clips of more than ten bullets, Feinstein said. "The purpose of this bill is to get... weapons of war off the streets."

Dianne Feinstein To Introduce Assault Weapons Ban On First Day Of Congress

You mean this committee?

Crime Committee
Membership - 6 Democrats:4 Republicans

Democratic Members:

Sheldon Whitehouse, R.I. (Chairman)
Herb Kohl, Wisconsin
Dianne Feinstein, California
Richard Durbin, Illinois
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Christopher A. Coons, Delaware

Republican Members:

Jon Kyl, Arizona (Ranking Member)
Orrin G. Hatch, Utah
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Sarah Brady (The Brady Campaign) Twitter Post:

"In order to pass legislation in the Senate it will take 60 votes (GOP filibuster proof) and 218 votes in the House. #Feinstein AWB -get busy"
Weapons of war are always in the hands of criminals. Why not pass a permissive law that says something like "Every able bodied person will carry a firearm sufficient to reasonably defend one's self. If one is financially unable, the State will provide sufficient firearm". Oh, additionally, "State and Federal employees will receive adequate firearm training....". Taking firearms away from private, law abiding citizens never prevented crime, however, there is sufficient evidence to support that the same act fuels a more determined criminal activity.
That is California philosophy for you! Let's get all the guns out of law abiding citizens hands and arm the crooks! IDIOT!
NRA member Sen. Manchin says Newtown shooting should open assault weapons debate | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, an "A" rated member of the NRA, on Monday questioned the availability of assault weapons and suggested Friday's shooting in Newtown, Conn. has opened up the issue for debate.

Manchin said past debates about assault weapons have been shut down over a fear of destroying Second Amendment rights. But the senator said last Friday's shooting changed all that. "The massacre of so many innocent children has changed—has changed America. We've never seen this happen," Manchin said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
Manchin issued criticism of assault weapons, saying, "I don't know anyone in the sporting or hunting arena that goes out with an assault rifle. I don't know anybody that needs 30 rounds in a clip to go hunting. I mean, these are things that need to be talked about."

Manchin, who received an endorsement from the NRA's Political Victory Fund for his 2012 re-election race, is one of the most prominent gun rights advocates in the Senate to speak about assault weapons in the wake of the shooting.

The senator famously and literally shot a hole in the president's "cap and trade" climate bill in a 2010 special election campaign ad aired during his first election to Congress.
They should modify her (and Obama's, Biden's, and all other radical liberal wingnuts) oath to "I swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America unless I do not like it. In the latter I reserve the right to use legislation (or in Obama's case, "unilateral Executive Orders") to amend and violate the Constitution on a de facto basis, so help me." (Removed God because of separation of church and state *sarcasm*)

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They should modify her (and Obama's, Biden's, and all other radical liberal wingnuts) oath to "I swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America unless I do not like it. In the latter I reserve the right to use legislation (or in Obama's case, "unilateral Executive Orders") to amend and violate the Constitution on a de facto basis, so help me." (Removed God because of separation of church and state *sarcasm*)

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Dont give them any ideas haha
The retroactive part is what slays me. How in the hell will they even know who owns a gun? Well in NJ they will but otherwise. ATF agents raiding FFLs and seizing their 4473s? Even then, the 10 year retention is a problem (for the government). In my lovely state they can find out how many registered firearms a FOID card holder owns via FTIP record retention. Run the FOID #, it'll spit out if and how many firearms the FOID holder has registered...but then they'd have to trace FTF sales. ATF and NG going door to door in states like Texas, attempting to seize firearms? That sounds like a fantastic idea. I say attempting for obvious reasons.

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