FBI Releases 2011 Crime Stats


New member
FBI: the nation experienced a 4% decrease in the number of violent crimes in 2011. Trends among major cities IA, MI, MN, ND, WI analyzed here (more on FBI site).

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FBI: the nation experienced a 4% decrease in the number of violent crimes in 2011. Trends among major cities IA, MI, MN, ND, WI analyzed here (more on FBI site).

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If there is anything that frustrates liberals more that facts, it's facts that support conservative logic. More guns in the hands of law abiding citizens equals less violent crime: fact.
My favorite part:

Violent crime decreased in all four regions (4.9 percent in the Midwest, 4.7 percent in the West, 4.5 percent in the South, and 0.8 percent in the Northeast).

Keep them handgun ownership and carry restrictions tight New England (except Vermont o'course)!
Just remember that the FBI is now in the hands of our wannabe dictator and his lackeys. They are the spearhead of the brownshirts and are used for whatever purpose the pig in the whitehouse and his criminal attorney general want. I would not believe one iota or one fact or one figure from any federal agency on faith alone. We are as close to Germany 1930 as this country has ever been with people in charge who want to destroy what I know as America and replace it with some kind of worldy socialist/fascist state subservient to the UN and world order and, if you know anything about these kind of people "the end justifies the means". You lie, you cheat, you avoid rule of law etal to get your way. It is going on now and will continue---not so sure what Nov 2012 will hold for all of us should this piece of garbage get reelected.