Experiences with open carry in CT


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Does anyone OC in CT? If so, what has been your experience?
The administrative rule for open carry in CT is (was):

"Every effort should be made to conceal a firearm at all times. Should discovery of an improperly concealed firearm cause a disturbance, arrest should be expected."

While this is not statute, it is practiced and was published on the state CCW page until updates a few years ago (2006 I believe). You can be stopped in CT just for open carry as it is a permit only state and you can be charged with Breach of Peace on a whim. The Board of Firearm Examiners will most likely revoke your permit as well regardless of conviction.

Read the CT General Statutes and be well versed as there are a lot of wrong quotes out on the web, including on the NRA site which still lists an exemption for CCW holders being allowed to carry on school grounds. This was removed from the law over 5 years ago, but is still listed on a lot of information pages for CT.

Lastly, remember that CT is a "May Issue" state with no recognition of outside permits so your permit can be revoked or suspended without specific violation of statute, but based on opinion. An open carry arrest may win you a legal victory, but they can still take your permit and not have to give it back.

Read the laws and make your decisions based on the statutes and not opinions or summaries, even mine above, as I can no longer find this in print anywhere and don't know of any case law that I can find. I do have an old pamphlet with this on it, but it may no longer be valid.
I just read a memo passed around the Torrington CT PD. It basically was to inform the officers, that open carry is NOT illegal in CT. It warned them not to "bully" or threaten anyone open carrying. It warned them that people would be open carrying to "bait" the officer and sue the dept. Ill search for the memo to post it here, but i did read it and was told about it from a local instructor.
Why try to test the system....Keep it covered

Why test the system..... Because our rights are being stripped piece by piece and it's attitudes like yours that are making it possible.

I open carry in CT every day. Gas stations, stores, banks... anywhere I go. The only comment I ever got was at Fishin Factory in Middletown when a 5-ish year old boy and his father walked in. The kid says, "Daddy, that man has a gun. Why does he have a gun?" The father replied, "Don't worry about it, it's none of your concern."

I was stopped once by a LEO as I was walking into Walmart.... it went like this:
"What's that?"
"A Glock 23 40 Smith & Wesson"
"Do you have a permit?"
"Would you show it to me please"
"Here you go"
"Alright, have a good one"
Why test the system..... Because our rights are being stripped piece by piece and it's attitudes like yours that are making it possible.

I open carry in CT every day. Gas stations, stores, banks... anywhere I go. The only comment I ever got was at Fishin Factory in Middletown when a 5-ish year old boy and his father walked in. The kid says, "Daddy, that man has a gun. Why does he have a gun?" The father replied, "Don't worry about it, it's none of your concern."

I was stopped once by a LEO as I was walking into Walmart.... it went like this:
"What's that?"
"A Glock 23 40 Smith & Wesson"
"Do you have a permit?"
"Would you show it to me please"
"Here you go"
"Alright, have a good one"

I really feel for you, but I know how you feel. In our state, it goes like this: "What are you carrying?" "Smith & Wesson SD40" "Have you ever used so and so?" and usually evolves into gun talk.
I really feel for you, but I know how you feel. In our state, it goes like this: "What are you carrying?" "Smith & Wesson SD40" "Have you ever used so and so?" and usually evolves into gun talk.

The people of CT don't give 2 craps. The cops.... they give 5 or 6 of em.
The people of CT don't give 2 craps. The cops.... they give 5 or 6 of em.

Not sure what You mean by "I don't give a crap" ? I don't open carry here, not sure if I ever would. No one needs to know that I am. I also don't want to be the test case for a open carry arrest.
Not sure what You mean by "I don't give a crap" ? I don't open carry here, not sure if I ever would. No one needs to know that I am. I also don't want to be the test case for a open carry arrest.

What I meant was, nobody cares if you open carry. Walk down the street, you won't get a second look. And you wouldn't be the test case, see Goldberg v. Glastonbury or Burgess v. Wallingford. Wrongful arrests, charges dropped, both suing.
Since these two cases, the law enforcement agencies in CT have been briefed that open carry is totally legal in CT.
What I meant was, nobody cares if you open carry. Walk down the street, you won't get a second look. And you wouldn't be the test case, see Goldberg v. Glastonbury or Burgess v. Wallingford. Wrongful arrests, charges dropped, both suing.
Since these two cases, the law enforcement agencies in CT have been briefed that open carry is totally legal in CT.

If I remember correctly, the Second Circuit Court affirmed probable cause for arrest in the Goldberg case. Goldberg sued, lost in district court and lost again in circuit court. Not sure where the win is here.

"...We have considered plaintiff’s remaining arguments and find them to be without merit.Accordingly, for the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED."
I don't see any reason to open carry. I feel comfortable when carrying that if perchance my weapon is flashed or printed, I won't be reprimanded. Of course, carrying around my property is a different story. If too much attention is given to open carry, our incompetent lawmakers (Malloy, Blumenthal and Murphy) will surely attack this 'right' also. I have seen the up and coming bills which make the existing laws pale in contrast. Lets not add this to the mix.
Why try to test the system....Keep it covered
Sure! Hell... Why sit in the front of the bus when all the ones in the back are open....Rosa!

Why test the system at all Stevie! Just ballup, hide in the sand and thank your elected douche bag for your PRIVILEGE just to even LOOK at a gun!

Just do "us" all a favor and don't upset the apple cart or they might take your sh!t away...
And ours too!!

You too Dougy boy! Don't want to cause a fuss now.....
I don't see any reason to open carry. I feel comfortable when carrying that if perchance my weapon is flashed or printed, I won't be reprimanded. Of course, carrying around my property is a different story. If too much attention is given to open carry, our incompetent lawmakers (Malloy, Blumenthal and Murphy) will surely attack this 'right' also. I have seen the up and coming bills which make the existing laws pale in contrast. Lets not add this to the mix.

You don't have the right to open carry if you're to afraid to exercise it.

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