Employer property rights vs my right to safety??

I'd start looking for a new job anyway. Just don't quit until you find one, and don't get caught carrying either. I'd also read company policy very thoroughly, and see if there are other options. There may be things you can have besides a gun or knife... obviously not ideal, but nowadays getting fired is not a great option.

Ultimately, it comes down to weighing the possible outcomes and making your own decision. A lot of good points made here to help you decide. On one extreme end of the scale, choosing not to carry could ultimately cost you your life. At the other end, choosing to carry could cost you your job. The other thing to consider...are there legal ramifications to carrying at work when the employer has forbidden it? In my state, only if you refused to leave, you could be charged with a petty misdemeanor. In other states, you may be in violation of a law if you carry in a private establishment that has made a reasonable attempt to make it known that carry is forbidden. Its possible that being caught carrying may not only lose you your job, but also carry a fine or worse. Of course another choice would be to put in your notice, do your job well, leave on good terms and look for another job. Still out a job, but it may be easier to find a new one by not getting fired.

A few years back I was shooting with my BNL and I had about 15 handguns, an AR, an AK and a MP-5/40S&W laid out on the shooting table and he asked that is I knew I was going to be in a shoot out which gun would I want to use.

Me: "That's an easy one. On the day I'm keeping my big fat bobo at home."

You could approach them with the concept that if they do not allow you to carry, they will be held responsible for your safety. Which in essence is what they are doing. Worked for me at one place I worked.

And don't stop there; go prepared with 5-6 arguments - use em all one at a time until 1 hopefully catches and works. Others here can supply some of these. write em down and list em and go prepared.

some ideas to add to the try to convince list:

1) above is good one from devo-j
2) I studies, practiced, and proved my competence with my firearm in my ccw class (copy of license handed over at this point)
3) it is called CONCEALED for a reason; customer won't see it.
4) it is my life in potential danger in that area, so just look the other way on it: there is no liability to YOU or your company if I have to use MY gun personally - it would not be done by company requirement. there is no law stating you have to say yae or nae.
5) etc....

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