Elementary School -Ban's- Kid's from 'Playing Tag' (For Safety Reason's)


~The Dude Abides~
Principal Beaulieu bloviated that the school rule's for recess has always been “no contact,” and the game of tag violates that policy. The letter was posted in an effort to re-emphasize recess rules, she said.
At least one parent has complained and others have questioned the policy in the Facebook group for parents and teachers of the school.

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We have allowed the LibTard's to create a nation of sheeple minded wussie's! :bad:


It's sickening and constantly getting worse,but all most of these parents do is talk about it. When someone suggests banning together and doing something about it most remain silent. How did this start ---- people thinking they can't change something that's viewed as wrong by the majority in a state or federally run ( tax money) system?????
That happened here in W. MI recently, too. Kindergarten teachers took it upon themselves to ban the game.

Zeeland elementary school is clarifying its new "No Tag, No Chasing" policy, which is aimed at stopping behavior during the game that was deemed too rough for kindergartners.

On Wednesday, Oct. 2, New Groningen kindergarten teachers sent home a letter alerting parents to the policy. It described the problem of children "running in packs, pushing, knocking other children over, and making the game dangerous."

Zeeland teachers set 'No Tag, No Chasing' policy for kindergartners | MLive.com

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