Dog Chapman Goes On Racist Rant - Fired From A&E

The true moral fiber of a man is best viewed when he is alone. Dog may no something about this girl we don't. He may not even be refering to her color,coming from his back ground it might be more of a culture thing. He has more bling than most white men I know.

And what ever happened to freedom of speech in this country, what is next the thought police. If so we are all in trouble.

Freedom of speech does not, and never has guaranteed anyone job security. Just as Dog has the right to say whatever he wants to say, A&E has the right to fire him for what he says, and viewers have the right to decide whether they want to continue watching his show or not. The first amendment does not say that people can't face the consequences for exercising their free speech rights in an irresponsible manner.

As an aside, I did watch the show, but now that I have heard this about Dog, I definitely will not be watching the show anymore. No matter how good the show used to be, I refuse to support a racist, whether by watching his TV show, spending money at his business, or whatever else.

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