Do other open carry states 'hint' that concealed carry might be better?

Having come from a state that "was" {both CC and OC now) I only had experience CC. Coming to Indiana and CC for the first couple months I'd see OC folks and think they were brave and would attract attention. Gave it a shot and you notice pretty quick that people may see it but they don't really pay much attention after they notice.

OC or CC.. the debate will never have a winner.

I find that open carriers seem to be more comfortable carrying period, I know I do. When I am concealed I am always concerned about flashing and what will people think if they see a glimpse of my weapon, do they think I trying to hide something or get away with something. Carrying open for all to see is more comfortable to me and honest to those around me.

I'm careful not to flash whether or not I'm armed.

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

It seems that this site: Firearms Discussion Forums - Gun Forums is the only one that actually shows any of the comments that have been submitted and just a mere fraction of the total all just great ones too. It is hard to say just how open minded they may be, after all it is the internet.

I went to that forum but couldn't find the reviews you allude to. What sub-forum are they in? I didn't see one that said, "Gun Forums." I did see one "Private" forum, likely either for members only or site supporters I imagine. Any help? For reasons that should be apparent to almost anyone, I'm hesitant to take ET's word for the tenor of the "reviews" at face value. Would like to check 'em out for myself. May or may not register if that's what is needed to see 'em, but would like to know where to find 'em if I end up doing that.

Coming to Indiana and CC for the first couple months I'd see OC folks and think they were brave and would attract attention. Gave it a shot and you notice pretty quick that people may see it but they don't really pay much attention after they notice.

You must live in a different part of Indianapolis than me. I've mentioned a few times that I've lived here for about 20 years and can't remember EVER seeing anyone OC, except the police.

And... you may be right that most people wouldn''t notice - i felt pretty self conscious the first time I carried a gun into stores in my conceal carry fanny pack - but i guess everyone thought it was a plain 'ole fanny pack because it didn't have that famous brand name on it (i got a walmart knock off with no name lol).
You must live in a different part of Indianapolis than me. I've mentioned a few times that I've lived here for about 20 years and can't remember EVER seeing anyone OC, except the police.

And... you may be right that most people wouldn''t notice - i felt pretty self conscious the first time I carried a gun into stores in my conceal carry fanny pack - but i guess everyone thought it was a plain 'ole fanny pack because it didn't have that famous brand name on it (i got a walmart knock off with no name lol).

I live close to Emerson & Shortridge intersection. Yeah, nobody "reacts" either kindly or adversly. Every now and then I'll notice someone notice but what I see is them notice and then quickly ignore it.
Open carry in Indiana is predicated on the fact that you have to have a concealed license to do so, it seems the state is concerned about regular law abiding citizens having the constitutional right of bearing arms. I live in Ohio and travel through Indiana regularly to visit my brother and father in the West suburbs of Chicago. I open carry on those trips and have not had any meaningful negative contact from the public since I started. To the contrary, I have had people thank me for exercising my rights and questioned me about what is needed to open carry.
I find that open carriers seem to be more comfortable carrying period, I know I do. When I am concealed I am always concerned about flashing and what will people think if they see a glimpse of my weapon, do they think I trying to hide something or get away with something. Carrying open for all to see is more comfortable to me and honest to those around me.
I went to Link Removed and found USA Carry listed third by the site with 3 stars out of 5 stars possible this out of only 9 reviews and could not bring up those reviews to read. It seems that this site: Firearms Discussion Forums - Gun Forums is the only one that actually shows any of the comments that have been submitted and just a mere fraction of the total all just great ones too. It is hard to say just how open minded they may be, after all it is the internet.

I'm careful not to flash whether or not I'm armed.

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

I went to that forum but couldn't find the reviews you allude to. What sub-forum are they in? I didn't see one that said, "Gun Forums." I did see one "Private" forum, likely either for members only or site supporters I imagine. Any help? For reasons that should be apparent to almost anyone, I'm hesitant to take ET's word for the tenor of the "reviews" at face value. Would like to check 'em out for myself. May or may not register if that's what is needed to see 'em, but would like to know where to find 'em if I end up doing that.


Blue that is why I got rid of all my trench coats, it was just too tempting.
There is no joining this site unless you have a webpage to provide for reviews so that doesn't give us any privileges to view any comments. The only comments I found visible was for Firearms Discussion Forums - Gun Forums and those were from 2012, a total of 23 out of 940 listed for the site. They were visible by just selecting "show all reviews" for that particular website.
I find the site Link Removed generally unhelpful and a waste of time. Just my opinion, damn there goes my ass getting in the way again.
Open carry in Indiana is predicated on the fact that you have to have a concealed license to do so, it seems the state is concerned about regular law abiding citizens having the constitutional right of bearing arms. I

Indiana doesn't have 'concealed carry' licenses, but 'licenses to carry'.
Indiana doesn't have 'concealed carry' licenses, but 'licenses to carry'.
Doesn't really matter so much what they call it, as the fact that you have to get permission to carry open as a citizen. That someone is allowing you to carry at all. Do you get the infringement part here. Do you understand the restriction part involved here.
What is more important? What they call it or the fact you have to ask permission to do it at all, I don't think that is what was intended originally by our founding fathers when they wrote the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment was intended to curtail government control of citizens owning and bearing arms.
As stated previously, I live in Ohio, when the original state constitution was written in Marietta, Ohio, no mention of bearing arms was made at all since the did not want to make bearing arms an illegal act. This is the case in most states. I just don't know where Indiana went so wrong?
So, I stand corrected. The Great State of Indiana requires their citizens to get a "license to carry", gee does that make it all better now. :fie:
Doesn't really matter so much what they call it, as the fact that you have to get permission to carry open as a citizen. That someone is allowing you to carry at all. Do you get the infringement part here. Do you understand the restriction part involved here.

Yes, I get what you're saying - no license of any kind should be required. My post wasn't meant to be critical of what you posted, simply correcting a misstatement that you made, as others have done to me when I posted something that wasn't true.

That being said, there IS a difference between CCW and llicense to carry, even though both are 'permission slips' as you say.

A CCW is a license to carry concealed, while a license to carry is a license to carry open or concealed. Doesn't make Indiana great or anything - we're just a buncha farmer hillbilly hicks here. :neo:

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