dismissed/expunged record


Bulldog Pride
23 years ago I got in alittle trouble when I was young and stupid. I was 21 at the time. I was arrested for DWI, forgery ( for a fake ID to drink before I was 21) And concealed deadly weapon (a Knife over 6" long) The judge threw out the forgery the weapon charge was expunged and I took the DWI classes and was the dismissed. My question is on the CT app it says I don't have to answer yes to these charges. But many people tell me to disclose this just to be safe.

I would love some feedback and or anyones thoughts or if they have had it happen to them?


You must disclose the arrest from the dismissals. Get certified dispositions for the charges and send them in with the paperwork. Your prints will generate a hit in the NCIC with the date, agency and charges. The FBI is under no obligation to remove records based on state court orders or expungements, and usually do not remove them. Therefore, every time your prints are run, you will be explaining your mistakes. Just stick to the dispositions and don't get into narrative. Sealed, Dismissed, Expunged, etc. When you get into narrative, it seems like you were lucky to have a good lawyer and money to work the system in your favor. CT is a may issue state and you don't want them to say no.
Most States require you disclose any, and all arrest. They also require you to Submit the deposition Paperwork.

If I have learned anything over the years is, Honesty is your best Policy.

Being that it was so long ago I dont think it will effect you, But if you lie on the app it could call into question your character.

I would get copies of the Courts paperwork & submit it with your application.

Good luck to you !

Man, as an Arms Dealer...this one is tough! They may have told you one thing, then we run the paperwork and it may come back Denied? I hope you have proof, that way the Dealer your working with could actually call and fax and so on and so on? Good Luck to you, let me know what your looking for and maybe i could transfer to your State?
I got in contact with the attorney that handled my case. (23 years ago** she could'nt get any records, maybe because so long ago or the charges are all gone?
I don't want to blow this. I hate CT, why can't they be like other states and only go back 3,5 or even 10 years. Not 23 years!

I also sent my own prints on a blue card taken at my local police station to the FBI and the CT state police.
The CT state police sent me back no record found and I'm waiting to hear back from the FBI. So I guess I'll put whatever the FBI sends me back on my app
Consult with an attorney who is knowledgeable in this area. Don't get your legal advice from faceless forum folks, especially in regard to specific and ongoing issues of your own.
I'm not an attorney but I did watch somebody portray one on TV last night. You can absolutely believe me when I tell you that Phillip Gain gave you the best advice so far.
I had something similar where I was arrested but the chargers we're later dismissed. So on my application I put yes for the arrest and listed the charges, but then where it ask about convictions I put no because if charges were dismissed it is not an conviction. Btw my records were supposed to be erased but that never happend. Anyways I didn't have any problems getting my state permit.
States don't go back X years. When they pull your record they get it all. Some only consider arrests within a certain period while others consider everything.

List every arrest. This includes juvenile, ACD's, dismissed charges and pleas. Even in cases where the record is sealed it's the disposition that gets sealed. The arrest still pops on the background check. The honesty will be looked at favorably. Plus, it's hard to say you forgot an arrest. Being cuffed and booked is rather hard to forget. If interviewed, take full responsibility for what you did. This isn't a show-stopper. We recently got a permit for a guy who was arrested twice for DUI; once six years ago and one four years ago.

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