Director of CT CARRY wins court case in Calif. about owning and carrying a firearm


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Ed Peruta won a case in San Diego which now allows people to not only own a firearm but they can now carry it outside their home.
Anyone in Connecticut with a positive outlook on firearm ownership and carry of same, and who supports the second amendment
to our Constitution, can thank Mr. Peruta for his hard and extremely successful work on our behalf can do so at Home.

Ed Peruta won a case in San Diego which now allows people to not only own a firearm but they can now carry it outside their home.

I have absolutely no criticisms of Mr. Peruta or his efforts in CA or CT, but the above is a vast overstatement of what the San Diego suit actually accomplished. The suit attacked a policy of the San Diego Sheriff. It won against that policy. No law or city ordinance or anything other than a policy was in dispute. The Sheriff still has infinite ways to restrict, delay or even prohibit the issuance of a carry permit, he just can't use the policy of a blanket prohibition anymore. As far as I know, not one single permit has been issued as a result of Mr. Peruta's case. I saw something just yesterday that said that the application process is now backed up six months because of the ruling, but that just means it's going to be a minimum of six months before the Sheriff has to come up with a different rationale than a blanket prohibition to say, "Seriously? No freakin' way!" to the increased numbers of applicants.

What the Peruta case did accomplish is getting some very strong language about the 2A and its meaning into the opinion ruling against the Sheriff's blanket prohibition policy. That language may indeed become useful in future appeals and SCOTUS cases, but since no law was having its constitutionality challenged in that case, even that is a very optimistic expectation. It is possible that an appeals court might take it into consideration though, so we'll call it an "accomplishment." Other than that, it's a big ol' nothingburger. Sorry to say it, but that's the reality.

I am personally more impressed with Mr. Peruta's challenge to the CT State Police to "Come and get 'em, or repeal the law" than I am with the 9th Circuit decision. That ruling does nothing to CA's carry laws, and you're just plain wrong that it, "allows people to not only own a firearm but they can now carry it outside their home." I'm not 100% positive that there weren't ownership prohibitions there before the ruling, there weren't when I left CA 22 years ago, but if there were, neither they, nor the heavily-restrictive carry laws are effected at all by Peruta.


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