Damage Report From Cat. 2 Hurricane Michael - Dothan, AL Area - We Were Lucky


Les Brers
So we only had a few trees down. Parts of the property we haven't seen yet since the storm, but if there are a bunch more trees down, I will likely ignore them as I have been far enough back to see that nothing is threatening our out-buildings. Anyway, made a short video of what we have to clean up in order to have access to our sheds/lawnmower/other miscellaneous stuff. This was the morning after the storm. The day before was exhausting preparing for its' arrival, so though I might sound stoned or something, I'm just tired. A week since I shot this video, and I still haven't even finished clearing the first tree you see here. Got a little help from a friend today though, so I'm hoping we can at least finish clearing a path through that tree anyway. So here ya go.........

May shoot some more video showing progress. We'll see.....

Just a follow-up to my first hurricane damage report. Probably boring to most folks, but big goings-on down here in Dixie. Audio describes what I'm trying to show, so there ya go.

FWIW - I started this job with an 18" Poulan PP4218A chainsaw, but realized early on that it had neither the power nor the reach to finish the job. I have a good friend who is a small engine repair guy who is also an authorized Echo dealer, so on his advice, I went for the Echo CS-590 20" saw. As it turned out, the reach wasn't much of a problem once I had enough torque to blow through the heaviest stuff. I may do a full review (or not), but suffice to say for now that I'm very happy with my purchase.

I suspect that everyone that burns wood, has all they need for a while.

I live in the mountains, but we had a tropical storm Floyd come through here years ago. At the time I heated with wood and ended up with 40+ chords of firewood that lasted me for over 4 years, burning 2 wood stoves.

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