Let me play the devils advocate.
I am in no way saying that what this officer did is OK, It was way out of line.As a past LEO let me try to give you a little incite to the other side.
The first thing that happens when you start a pursuit is you get a shot of adrenaline.
The next thing is the " Contempt of cop" thought proses. He is running....He is the bad guy. He is not respecting the badge or me. How dare him put my life and the life everybody on the road in danger. The longer the pursuit the worse it gets. If the suspect starts pin-balling off other vehicles you start thinking "I have to stop this guy no matter what". Now we are at the end of the pursuit, whether it is a wreck, spike strips, out of gas, whatever. ANOTHER SHOT OF ADRENALINE. I have to get cuffs on this guy. Does he have a gun? Knife? Will he fight or give up? The officer goes hands on. ANOTHER SHOT OF ADRENALINE
As soon as the cuffs are on you have got to be able to turn it off. I will tell you that I have had to leave the suspect with another officer and walk away. I have worked with true professionals that would be a credit to any department. I have also worked with jackass's that were just mean and were looking for a chance to hurt someone. Fortunately the bad ones don't seam to last long.
So to wrap this up,
Was the officer out of line.........Yes
Should he be disaplined.............Yes
Should he lose his job...............Maybe
Have I ever done anything like this....NO
Do I know what he was feeling.....Yes
Lets not lump all LEO into one pot