Convince to carry


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I am a veteran that recently got out of the service after 4 years, I now have my concealed pistol license for the state of Michigan. I live at home for the time being and my parents and girlfriend do not like me carrying my firearm. So i gave up carrying for the time being.

My question is, how the heck do I explain to them that carrying is okay? They seem to think that it will go off in my holster or just make matters worse. What can I say to them??

Well, as far as your parents are concened. It is their house so you should abide by their rules. But the minute I stepped out of the house I would be carrying. As for the girlfriend, I would simply tell her that as a concealed carrier, no one would see me carrying and thus not "make things worse". And you are carrying to protect her and you when you are together. That kind of responsibility is not taken lightly and if it doesn't actually change minds, usually it makes others more tolerant of you EXERCISING YOUR RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE. When all else fails TELL her you ARE GOING TO CARRY, even if it makes her uncomfortable. If she still is stubborn about it....LATER!!!!!!!!

take them shooting if they will go. If not, ask them why they have a fire extinguisher, smoke detector, or anything else that makes them more comfortable just in case. Explain how bad things happen to good people and you refuse to be a victim of random violence and you took your oath to defend this country seriously. If the GF doesn't get it, get another GF! Don't compromise your safety to appease anyone. FTW
Thank you for your service!
take them shooting if they will go. If not, ask them why they have a fire extinguisher, smoke detector, or anything else that makes them more comfortable just in case. Explain how bad things happen to good people and you refuse to be a victim of random violence and you took your oath to defend this country seriously. If the GF doesn't get it, get another GF! Don't compromise your safety to appease anyone. FTW
Thank you for your service!
2gun, welcome back.
I am also a vet. What does the oath I took so many years ago, have anything to do with packing a pistol?
When I carry, which is most of the time, I am defending myself, not my country.
IMO, the OP needs to not push the issue until he has his own place. Take it slow. I agree with the offer of taking them shooting.
Have a sit down and explain to them how modern firearms have safety features that prevent them from firing until the trigger is pulled. Most even have grip safeties that won't allow the firearm to shoot until it is gripped fully. The following You-Tube video may help as a guide. Point out specifically how the firing pin is held until the trigger is pulled.

YouTube - ‪Glock Function Animation‬‎
What are the odds that you will get robbed? About 1 in 420
Source: book of odds article

What are the odds you will have a house fire? About 1 in 310
Source: book of odds

The difference in those odds would probably be called statistically insignificant.... So, if they (folks, girlfriend) have or feel that a fire extinguisher near the kitchen might be prudent... certainly having a handgun to protect yourself from injury or death... is just as (statistically) prudent...

And, at your age, you are more likely to be robbed than I am at my age... according to the same source...

Now, there is no way to convince them, even when you can show such facts... circumstances might convince them... a friend or relative being mugged, for example... but even having a co worker of mine beaten, stabbed, and left for dead.. did not convince my wife that my CWP was reasonable... I do not carry when we are out together....

Good luck.
Parents home, abide by their wishes. When out the door you are responsible for your own safety and I would carry. Girl friend--I am a bit harsh about those who do not want to be able to take care of themselves. If she would not come around then maybe you should consider a new life mate. One who is able to back you up--not just be protected. If you are "down" could she or would she defend you with or without a firearm??????? How about future children--same question-would she/could she??? My wife was going out of town when our children were small and I asked her to take one of the pistols. She said no and I chewed her out. Told her that any animal would go "tooth and nail" against anyone/thing threatening their young. She got the point. I cannot see myself married to an "anti" . My wife is a competent shot with a 45 on down to a 22.
In the house: Parent's rule must be respected.

Girlfriend: Just carry whenever you are out of the house. Do it like putting on underwear. Don't advertise or make a big deal out of it. She'll quickly get used to it and respect you for your convictions. People are moved by the strength of your conviction. I suspect she is just afraid of something with which she is unfamiliar. If she truly is fundamentally against personal defense, you have a larger problem to overcome.
Awesome, good info all. My girlfriend and I actually had a talk, well, I told her that I will be carrying for both of our protection and who ever I am with. She seemed to be okay with it, but still had a few problems, partly due to the fact that she has never shot a firearm. I feel it will go well, she'll be able to look past it.

As for me though, I like carrying my M&P 40c. I also have a LCR but I am not confident in shooting that good enough yet. I went to the range with it 2 times and im havin trouble gettin the shots in the black, even from 7 yards. Ive never shot a revolver before that, so hopefuly i will get better at it. Thanks again for all the good info everyone.
AD, my wife got her "panties in a wad" when I started taking Kung Fu. She said "all you want to do is be able to kill people". I sat her down and had a very long straight talk with her. Explained that as a Marine I was well able to take life and that the martial arts were both a great exercise and good defense when a weapon was not available. She still did not like it but let it slide. We have been married about 36 yrs and she has never seen me raise my hand to anyone. I have not and do not expect to. A bit of pride swallowing and walking away keeps lots of problems away. Anyone can be "macho"--it doesn't take much intelligence to be the biggest ape on the block or carry the biggest "stick".

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