CHP came today!


New member
My wife and I picked up our CHP at the Catawba county sheriff's office today 6 weeks and a day after applying.

I had a permit when living in SC but rarely carried due to comfort. I was a 1911 guy(guess I still am).

Went straight to the shop and got a Ruger LCR 38 +P and a Blackhawk #4 pocket holster. From there to the range for a short training session (I hope to practice 2-4 times per month)

The Ruger easily disappears in the front pocket of cargo shorts with a t-shirt and I could easily forget that it is even there. I plan on carrying all the time I legally can. The comfort factor is huge and the Hornady critical defense 38 +p is plenty of fire power.

The only thing I'm missing is a speed loader which I've ordered.

Glad to be one of the sheepdogs.

Congrats on your decision(s) to join the ranks of the prepared.

Don't get too hung up on the "sheepdog" bit... think more on staying a survivor.

Be like a cornered cat, inflict what ever damage is necessary, to get yourself to safety. The whole idea is to save your life, not take one!

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