A bit of a rant...
At what age did you teach your kids not to play with the stove? At what age did you teach your kids not to play with electrical cords? At what age did you teach your kids not to play with the kitchen knives? At what age did you teach your kids not to take the car keys and drive off? At what age did you teach your kids about sex?
I'm going to guess that your kid's education about all of those things began when they expressed an interest of some kind in each of those things at the exact time they were first interested in those things. When your kids express an interest.. any interest of any kind... that is the time to begin their education about those things.
It's not rocket science... it's just ordinary everyday.................. parenting.
And trying to pretend the parents don't have the responsibility to teach their children about everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING! the kids show an interest in is nothing less than the parents themselves trying to evade their responsibility to be.............. parents.
Frankly... I do believe the current state of affairs where our youth have no values and have no idea what values even are... is the direct fault of parents who have not stood up to their responsibility to be........... parents.
End rant... please continue discussing...
If they are old enough to understand the difference between "toy" and "not a toy" it is a good time to start teaching gun safety, starting with "If you see one of these it is dangerous and you are not to touch it." Remember, they may be at a different house at some point where a gun owner is not used to having kids around.
The best teaching tool for my son was hand over hand shooting with him. Once he realized what happened with it he won't touch them no matter where there left.My wife isn't a fan of firearms but she understands why. Before introducing my girls to guns both my wife and I were in agreement how, when, where and how often. Every so often I would test them by leaving spent brass around the house and wait for them to call me saying they found ammo and it should be in the safe. In our house, the rule is firearms are either in my hands, in the safe or on my hip. Otherwise daddy is in big trouble with mommy. Good luck.