Carrying gun in console


New member
I have a SC CWP but travel to NC quite often. While I am driving I usually take my gun and place it in the console of my SUV. This is legal in SC and has been reinterated by the SC legislature. While traveling in NC with a valid permit from a reciprocal state can I keep my gun in my console while driving? I have looked over the Link Removed but cannot find any definition of concealed or what would be the law on this.

Anyone have any real knowledge of this and I am not interested in keeping it on my person at all times while driving.

Read pages 18 (part D), 40 and 41 (part 8) of that link. I have a concealed carry permit for N.C. and pages 40 and 41 apply to permit holders. If your permit is honored in this state ( I think it is), then you are bound by the same laws as a resident.
So YES, you can carry it in your console while traveling. Just follow the rules outlined regarding any encounter with a LEO. I keep my laminated permit right behind my driver's license, so I can hand them together.
Be aware that if you exit your car and other adults are in it with the weapon concealed, they technically are in possesion of that concealed weapon. Also, open carry does not require a permit in this state, so use that option if needed.
I don't think they could make this more confusing if they tried.

Handguns in Vehicles

It is unlawful to carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle unless the person has a North Carolina concealed carry permit. A person who is not a convicted felon may carry a handgun if not concealed. A handgun is concealed in a vehicle if it cannot be readily seen by a person approaching and if it is readily accessible. A handgun under the front seat or in an unlocked glove box or console is illegal. A handgun openly displayed or in a locked glove box, locked console, or in the trunk is lawful.

« this page last modified 04/24/09

Link Removed

The above quote was cut and pasted from the NC Dept of Crime Control and Public Safety. I'm in the midst of waiting for my CCP and was wondering about the console issue while planning an upcoming trip. I certainly don't want to violate any statutes while in the 90 day waiting period, so I've been researching this pretty intensely in the interim. I have a midsize pickup and I'm limited in where I can place the gun in the vehicle, so it seems that putting the pistol on the front seat is my only option until the CCP comes through. However, I routinely carry my pistols to the firing ranges and it gets awkward having those pistols on the front seat.
Handguns in Vehicles
I have a midsize pickup and I'm limited in where I can place the gun in the vehicle, so it seems that putting the pistol on the front seat is my only option until the CCP comes through. However, I routinely carry my pistols to the firing ranges and it gets awkward having those pistols on the front seat.

One simple solution is to mount a holster in your car, either on the passenger headrest, the dash, or attached to something on the front of the dash like they do with aftermarket cup holders.


P.S. Driving to Raleigh tomorrow from SC and will carrying concealed. NC honors SC CCP.

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