Carrying at home?


New member
I have gotten to where I carry when I am home. Even when mowing the lawn. I worry that I wouldn't be where I could get to a weapon if something did come down. Is that paranoid? there was recently two breakins in my neighborhood, They cought the crackheads, but it got me thinking.


I am not sure where you live, but as soon as I get dressed I put on my side arm. So I don't think you are being paranoid, or maybe we both are. Just be careful you don't shoot your mower ( haha )
I carry at home, three homes hit in my neighborhood this week, gun on hip beats any response time from Sheriff or PD.
Almost used one of mine. Dog brought in another present. His monthly 'possum. Not even dead yet.
I have gotten to where I carry when I am home. Even when mowing the lawn. I worry that I wouldn't be where I could get to a weapon if something did come down. Is that paranoid?

Absolutely not, If we could predict in advance when a crime was going to be committed against us we wouldn't need the guns in the first place. Thats why you will read over and over again, If your going to carry, carry everyday and everywhere. You not going to need your gun when your in the convenience store in the ghetto, you'l wind up needing it when your surrounded by people in an uppity part of town where the biggest crime is stiffing the parking meter. Some people call us paranoid, I call us prepared. Don't get me wrong sometimes I envy them, ignorance IS bliss, but I prefer to live in reality.
Putting on my gun is like putting my wallet in my pocket..I would never leave home without it! It is part of getting dressed everyday whether at home or going away. I have a gun on me or near to me at all times. Paranoid..NO, capable and ready..YES.
I'm so completely accustomed to slipping a pistol in my pocket when I walk out the door that I don't even think about it most of the time. Tomorrow morning when I go outside to do my yardwork I'll reach for one of my CC pistols and I'll be set for the day. Home Depot, Walmart, mowing the lawn, catching some rays on my deck.....
With all the reports of vicious dogs running lose and attacking children that are playing in their own yards, I think that alone is a good reason to have a firearm nearby. I don't want to be like that lady in the news a couple of weeks ago fending off two pitbulls with a butter knife.
I don't think you are paranoid. I don't drive without buckling my seat belt, I don't live in a house without a fire extinguisher and I don't go without being armed; to me just standard everyday precautions.
The neighbors all know I carry 24-7, about the only time my gun is not on me is when I am doing something messy.... AKA EWWWWWW....
So ever see on the news how home invasions are on the rise, especially when it is warm out, and that was my response to the wife when she asked why I was carrying all the time...
Pocket pistol in the house or out. As the saying goes, "if you are going to carry a firearm, carry all the time or not at all". I know its Hollywood but I just watched "Edge of Darkness" on disc and the Boston cop depicted in the movie kept his handgun under a cake dome in the kitchen. Let's just say it wasn't close enough when it counted.

A funny line (I think the only one) in the brutal movie depicted in Massachusetts was when the Boston police detective gives back a handgun to a young man who's life is being threatened. The young man says "hey, I thought you said this gun was illegal in Massachusetts." Cop's wry response, "EVERYTHING is illegal in Massachusetts!"
I can honestly say your not paranoid. When I home, I carry mine. Especially being in a no carry state. I have CCW permit for other states, just cant in mine. I think it comes down to a matter of preference and practice. If you get used to being without it, its going to different when you have/use it.
I always carry at home. One tip on carrying while mowing the lawn or doing yard work if your carrying owb put a small peice of scotch tape over the muzzle. Keeps all the dust pollen and crud from getting in your gun
It is a proven fact tht at 100% of home invasions happen in a home . Seriously, it's s just easier to put it on w/ my pants when I get up in the morning

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