I have gotten to where I carry when I am home. Even when mowing the lawn. I worry that I wouldn't be where I could get to a weapon if something did come down. Is that paranoid? there was recently two breakins in my neighborhood, They cought the crackheads, but it got me thinking.
I too carry when working around the grounds, especially when on the tractor. I also keep the doors locked and turn the alarm on. In the house, no. If you're practicing proper PPITH there will be more than enough warning to get to a protected area and load-up. Many don't understand what proper PPITH means. I'll be submitting an article on the subject in the near future.I have gotten to where I carry when I am home. Even when mowing the lawn. I worry that I wouldn't be where I could get to a weapon if something did come down. Is that paranoid? there was recently two breakins in my neighborhood, They cought the crackheads, but it got me thinking.
Honestly I think its stupid not to carry at home, what the point in being able to carry if you dont have it with you 99 percent of the time? waste of money otherwise, the way the country is right now, and peoples lack of caring for personal space, or property, hell yeah Ill carry at home, mostly openly, call it brandishing, idc, OC is legal in my state, I want everyone on my block to know Im packin heat incase they have any bright ideas to break into this house, they know theyll be leaving in body bags.
Then we have a difference of opinion.I don't want an 8 pound 45 inch cannon to swing around.
I prefer something smaller that is easier to manuver. 1911.