Carrying at home?

On a serious note ... I do it primarily because I'd feel pretty stupid if I didn't and ever needed it and because that way I never have tp worry where I put it. It's always in the same place.
I have gotten to where I carry when I am home. Even when mowing the lawn. I worry that I wouldn't be where I could get to a weapon if something did come down. Is that paranoid? there was recently two breakins in my neighborhood, They cought the crackheads, but it got me thinking.

I always carry, if it's legal

It's not whether you're paranoid, it's are you paranoid enough.
No,its not being paranoid,its being prepared for anything. I'm a Corrections Officer for the State of Missouri and around rapist,and murders all day long,being threatened every day, you just never know. So just watch your six,and God bless.....
I am in agreement with all posters thus far: carrying at home is just like carrying anywhere else ... when the SHTF, you don't want to have to figure out how far you are from your weapon.

I always have a weapon on me or within reach.
I have gotten to where I carry when I am home. Even when mowing the lawn. I worry that I wouldn't be where I could get to a weapon if something did come down. Is that paranoid? there was recently two breakins in my neighborhood, They cought the crackheads, but it got me thinking.
I too carry when working around the grounds, especially when on the tractor. I also keep the doors locked and turn the alarm on. In the house, no. If you're practicing proper PPITH there will be more than enough warning to get to a protected area and load-up. Many don't understand what proper PPITH means. I'll be submitting an article on the subject in the near future.
When I get ready to leave the house, I put my gun in my pants and it stays there until I get ready to shower or go to bed. I've fallen asleep on the couch more than once with my Para P13 or my .44 Special 5 shooter still in the IWB holster and on my hip or my little Beretta .32 Tomcat tucked in an appendix holster. When I walk out the door, whether it's to go to work, the mailbox, the corner store or to cut the grass, I have something on me. When cutting grass, I normally use one of my .44 Special 5 shooters with the first round being snake shot instead of the normal LSWC-HP. I've seen and killed too many snakes on a low lying section of the property not to have SOMETHING better than a lawn mower or a harsh word to use to deal with Mr. No-Shoulders and his kin.

When I'm in the house, I don't carry unless I've left and came back. My house is far off the road, I've got 3 dogs- including 1 that will bark at rain drops or anything else that moves and the doors stay locked. You aren't going to sneak up on the house day or night with those 3 dogs around and I'm confident that between the forewarning and the locked security doors, I'll have time to lay hand on something that smokes long before somebody can force entry. Considering what's nestled away throughout the house (like the Dan Wesson .357 snub loaded with Remington 140gr Multi-Ball that's about 4 feet away from me as I type this), having one on me isn't really necessary.

Besides, a pistol is what you use to fight your way to your shotgun in a home defense situation.:biggrin:
I don't keep a pistol on my person at home, but no matter where I'm at (even in the bathroom) my 12-gauge Mossberg is always within reach.
I literally carry 24/7 for decades. 2 yrs ago I feel asleep on the sofa and woke up at 130 am with a black silohette standing 8' from me. I had my hand on my weapon instantly.

Paranoia is when the thoughts of having a gun, or being assaulted begins to OVER control your thoughts and actions. That is, IF you are reminded of it every few minutes all day long. If it is disturbing your peace of mind, then you need to do something about it.

Several times I have gotten to my car, gone back to the house to get my gun, and discovered that my full size 45 was already on my hip CCW. After 3 decades, sometimes I can't even feel that I have it on. Same weapon, same holster, same carry ALL THE TIME.
I carry for work (Not LEO) but when i get home i lock it down. Honestly, i don't feel the need being armed at home where i live, said that, i have no problem with people that do.
Honestly I think its stupid not to carry at home, what the point in being able to carry if you dont have it with you 99 percent of the time? waste of money otherwise, the way the country is right now, and peoples lack of caring for personal space, or property, hell yeah Ill carry at home, mostly openly, call it brandishing, idc, OC is legal in my state, I want everyone on my block to know Im packin heat incase they have any bright ideas to break into this house, they know theyll be leaving in body bags.
Honestly I think its stupid not to carry at home, what the point in being able to carry if you dont have it with you 99 percent of the time? waste of money otherwise, the way the country is right now, and peoples lack of caring for personal space, or property, hell yeah Ill carry at home, mostly openly, call it brandishing, idc, OC is legal in my state, I want everyone on my block to know Im packin heat incase they have any bright ideas to break into this house, they know theyll be leaving in body bags.

Again, i personally dont have a problem with it. In my case, i live in MD. Often when i am at home, i run errands, it would be a hassle to upload and download, coming and going, since my MD carry permit it limited to my "on the clock hours" while working. While i lived in TN, i carried at home, but it's not practical, nor needed for me personally right now, however that might change one day, who knows.

Another side issue (albeit a small one for most...) when carrying at home. How many while carrying at home, will at the same time enjoy various "adult beverages?"
I don't want an 8 pound 45 inch cannon to swing around.
I prefer something smaller that is easier to manuver. 1911.
Then we have a difference of opinion.

I prefer the ability to fire 8 times and send 16 .30" diameter balls down range at well over 1100fps (I use 2 3/4" #1 Buck) every time I mash the BOOM button instead the ability to shoot the same 8 times but merely send a single .451 diameter half ounce projectile at 800 to 1000fps down range.