Carry a Knife?

If your only two options in a critical incident are to shout at or shoot at your assailant, you are not prepared.

Guns are only good for killing things. Once it is dead you need a knife to skin it and disembowell it to throw it in a pan!

Funny stuff there, and I would like to add to the purpose of having a gun seeing as I don't do much hunting. Many might agree that a gun is also useful when trying to stop a deadly attack. In my little world, I am not shooting to KILL the aggressor but to STOP him and thus stop the attack. Now, if some well placed shots end up killing him then that is the price he will have paid for HIS actions.

However, if his attack on me or my family happens in my home there is a very big issue that will arrise, and one I haven't read much about at all here. The issue? Who the heck is going to clean up the bloody mess the bastrd made on my carpet?
I carry a knife (switch blade) my second line of defense. My question is this: I recently found out that here in Fla even with the CCW permit if you are caught with a knife in Miami you will go to jail, now you can carry a gun but not a knife, doesn't make since to me. Trying to find out what counties in Fla have the same type of law. Might be something others would want to check out for their states??
Makes mo sense to me. I read somewhere that they were limiting knives in some northeastern state too. How are we going to open packages without a knife?
As a kayaker, it is essential to have a knife on board, as you can't shoot your way out of an entanglement (commonly called strainers), or should you need to cut a seat-belt after a traffic accident transporting to or from a launch site, etc. My knife is always with me, is a 3" switched locking blade design made by Smith & Wesson, actually has a safety, and stays VERY sharp. I don't expect to ever need my gun OR my knife to save my life, but I carry both for that contingency. I've also hit three deer while driving in my life, and only two of those were clean kills where the animal didn't need to be put down afterward. Just never know what the need will be, but not having the right tool at the time is not what you want.

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