Bill Jordan said hitting beat missing.


of course, but we all KNOW he was so SLOW at it, right? what did HE spend 1000's of hours on, hmm? Likewise George Nonte, Kenny Hackathorn, Elmer Keith, Jeff Cooper, Bill Wilson, and 100's of others? Did they say or think that it was ok to be slow? Only the lazy claim that it is. Fast draw practice is mostly dryfire and airsoft, and laziness is the only reason that you don't devote the needed time to it. I started working on fast ccw draws in 1964. Where were you?

of course, but we all KNOW he was so SLOW at it, right? what did HE spend 1000's of hours on, hmm? Likewise George Nonte, Kenny Hackathorn, Elmer Keith, Jeff Cooper, Bill Wilson, and 100's of others? Did they say or think that it was ok to be slow? Only the lazy claim that it is. Fast draw practice is mostly dryfire and airsoft, and laziness is the only reason that you don't devote the needed time to it. I started working on fast ccw draws in 1964. Where were you?
Well titon or trainer or whatever you decide to go by after you get banned again, I'll just call you goose since you've proven yourself to be as full of crap as a Xmas goose and the epitome of a blatherskite, where I've spent my time is none of your business. The reason for my reply is to point out that no one believes your wild unsubstantiated claims of associates or knowledge. However, I am curious as to why you bother? Is it getting boring at the cave you live in?
It has been my experience in life that those who can do it just get on with doing it without fanfare. But those who can't do it constantly talk about how great they are at doing it.

What is the "it" I speak of? Anything and everything from being a great lover with many bedroom conquests... to being such a bad arse that even Chuck Norris runs from them in fear.... to having great expertise with a gun.

In short... I have found that the more a person talks about how great they are the less there is about them that is great.
Bill Jordan was one of my Dad's best friends. The one thing he would tell you if you have good hand, eye coordination you can become very fast...But being fast has nothing to do with hitting your target.

Never heard him brag about his skills!
of course, but we all KNOW he was so SLOW at it, right? what did HE spend 1000's of hours on, hmm? Likewise George Nonte, Kenny Hackathorn, Elmer Keith, Jeff Cooper, Bill Wilson, and 100's of others? Did they say or think that it was ok to be slow? Only the lazy claim that it is. Fast draw practice is mostly dryfire and airsoft, and laziness is the only reason that you don't devote the needed time to it. I started working on fast ccw draws in 1964. Where were you?
Your mommy must be so proud. Now go clean your room.

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