Best Home defense Gun

Any time I see the words "best for [fill in the blank]" I usually move on.
There is no best anything when it comes to guns, self-defense, and killing except what works in that few seconds when it's happening.
Rdc2co, you have to remember that no one ever pays the $200-400 for the advanced training done in the shoot houses with advanced training instructors! However, if you get two or three friends together and darken your house, then tell them to do what they can to disarm you while you try to clear the house, you will soon see the weakness of the shotgun about 3 out of 5 times when moving, at least with criminals that are desperate and know what they are doing. A pistol held close to the body with your free hand available to grab anyone gun-grabbing from around the corner is the safest way to "slice the pie" and clear your corners in a tight space like a house. If you can't afford the time or money for an actual course, you might want to train with a video on handgun tactics like this one:
. I'm not a distributor or anything, just found it very helpful. :biggrin:
Agreed- Add +1 to that. My training cost a lot MORE than a couple hundred bucks, but you make a great point. It gets pretty pricey!
I also agree that a shotgun is very awkward and clumsy- more of a danger to its owner that the BG. If it can be screwed up, I've been the guy that DID screw it up. I learned a LOT in the 'hot house'(Shoot House'). I learned a LOT of 'what NOT to do' lessons, too. LOL

I think the Suarez videos are pretty good. I think I will order some of those videos tomorrow- also another brand name I can't recall right now. For others reading this thread, I agree with TekGreg, in that you might be smart to get not only this video, but several others. Check out:
I.C.E. Training | Home and Wilson's House Clearing & Cornering Tactics & Techniques--DVD: Lenny Magill: Movies & TV and/or
Galati International: House Clearing and Cornering DVD - Gun Video
For the inexperienced people, doorways, hallways, staircases, and other "choke-points" are also called "the Fatal Funnel" for very good reasons. At home, I would wait for BG to come to me. If he doesn't come to me, I have less paperwork to file.
The problems that I have are:
That I currently have 1 shoulder to work with for now.
That I've never been a martial arts kinds guy. The fancy counter-attack against the blade in the video simply won't happen for me. I'm a little awkward with martial arts, especially right now.
Greg- your observations are very valid- for "us" it's sometimes hard to go back to square 1.
Do you find people asking you 'Does your dog bite?'? And what is your response? "Nope. He's always got blood on his lips. Here's your sign." (Bill Engvall reference) I once told someone; "Yes, the dog bites, Rain Man." "Here's Your Sign" Bill Engvall reference again...
Bad Guy on his face and in handcuffs asks me; "Am I under arrest? Nope- we're all going to Dairy Queen. Wanna come, too? Here's your sign..."
Any of these "Which is best......?" threads makes me chuckle a little bit.
Remember this: Guns are no different than underwear- what fits you, probably won't fit me. Your shoes probably won't fit my feet. Same goes for musical tastes and a whole host of other tastes we all individually develop in life.
Get as much training as you can afford from the best trainers you can find. For the purposes of this conversation, get signed up with a course that teaches CQB inside a shoot house. Front sight, Gunsite, Suarez, and several other schools offer these classes.
That's just a thought to plant into your brain...
Any time I see the words "best for [fill in the blank]" I usually move on.
There is no best anything when it comes to guns, self-defense, and killing except what works in that few seconds when it's happening.

Any time I see the words "best for [fill in the blank]" I usually move on.
There is no best anything when it comes to guns, self-defense, and killing except what works in that few seconds when it's happening.

The "Best for..." articles are usually good for collecting manufacturer data and some chrono and ballistic gelatin data that a lot of people normally don't have the resources to gather themselves and for new shooters to try to get an idea what they are going to buy for a first weapon to save money. The comparisons can be very helpful for those that have not seen the figures hundreds of times.
The "Best for..." articles are usually good for collecting manufacturer data and some chrono and ballistic gelatin data that a lot of people normally don't have the resources to gather themselves and for new shooters to try to get an idea what they are going to buy for a first weapon to save money. The comparisons can be very helpful for those that have not seen the figures hundreds of times.

I consider opinions that pose an absolute to be very dangerous. The subject matter of this forum can be very serious, and that is why I don't insist that Glocks are the only gun to have, because I know they are not.
You say, "The comparisons can be very helpful for those that have not seen the figures hundreds of times." I agree with this statement. But "the best" implies it is the only, and that can lead to destruction.
I thought about this question a lot and have come up with this answer... The one that you can deploy and stop the threat. If your comfortable with it and comfortable with using it when necessary,then the rest does not matter.
Yup! Agreed!

I thought about this question a lot and have come up with this answer... The one that you can deploy and stop the threat. If your comfortable with it and comfortable with using it when necessary,then the rest does not matter.

"Just git 'er Done!"
It's not the caliber, it's the shot placement. Three well controlled quick taps with a .22 just left of sternum center will do more damage than a 12g with '00' buck thrown downrange from the hip. That's the only problem with a gauge and '00'...the shot will go where it wants, not where you want it.

Anywhere from one to eleven .32 cal lead balls hitting at 1100-1300+ fps (depending on load) sounds devistating to me... My 870 patterns at just less than "cereal bowl" size from my bedroom door to the steps and "dinner plate" size from bedroom door to end of house with the shell I stock. The OO buck shot (.32 cal) go where I point the shotgun, not 'where they want'. Just say'n.
Prefered choice is 1911 in bedside holster made my own looks like the crossbreed bedside along with my Marlin Camp 45 close by and they use the same magazine.
I still say this:
If you plan to stand your ground (stay in one place to wait for help), a shotgun is an option.
If you plan to clear your own home (not smart), use a handgun.
It is far too easy (even for me) to grab a long gun out of your hands as you come around a corner.
Imagine I'm the BG (aka 'Bag Guy'). You (homeowner) are coming to get me by clearing your own home. I'm waiting for you on one side of a 90 degree corner (inside the bathroom door, or possibly in the kitchen- either way, just around the corner.) I hear you (homeowner) coming and I know you can't see me. At the very second I see that long barrel come around that corner, I'm going to reach out with both hands, grab the barrel of the gun, and take it away from you. Then I'm going to shoot you with your own gun.
Does this happen? Yes, it does, and I've done it many times, while playing 'bad guy' in a training scenario.
Learn to think like the 'bad guy' does in order to out-plan him. Have your friends play 'Bad Guy' and you (homeowner) use a broom stick, piece of foam pipe insulation, water noodle, etc as a shotgun/rifle. Their goal is to grab the broomstick/foam tube/etc "gun" away from you every chance they get. You, too will learn the lesson I learned through training.
BTW, rifle rounds will penetrate the walls of your home and cause damage/injuries/deaths to disinterested parties. Yes, we have done that training many times, too.
I know someone reading this is thinking that I have no frickin' clue what I'm talking about, so you all try the broomstick "gun" training trick ASAP, and get back to me with what you learned. I really do want someone to get back to me. It will open your eyes pretty quick.
If my advice helps 1 person, I'm thrilled. If I help 1,000 know what I'm about to say.

I have to say that in all my building entries and search and clearing that I have done with a shotgun or rifle, not once was anyone able to grab my barrel or weapon before getting shot. Many have tried but no one has ever succeeded. Maybe with students who have never done it but..... That is just my experience. I have seen an instructor throw up a piece of cardboard and rush students before only to have the students to try and shoot around the card board box rather than fire through it. Of course my training was only through a police academy and in the military. Give me a 18.5 in shotgun for searching and clearing any day.
I favor the carbine over the shotgun, as long-guns go, for home defense. I also tend to nag people with shotguns to do two things:

Pattern the defense load you will be using at the range you expect to be using it. You may be surprised at how small the spread of buckshot will be at in-house ranges.

Put a red dot on the shotgun.

The first thing is most important to do. The second thing will enhance your ability to make the shots you need to make.
The best home defense weapon is the one you can insure access to be able to shoot well and are comfortable with. Be it a 22lr revolver a 12 gauge SBS AOW or anything between....
Most seem to agree that the best home defence weapon is what you have with you when needed, personaly we have several, (no kids in the house) a 12 gauge semi auto is good but its a large weapon and can be unweildy, I would say a large bore handgun would also be good loaded with shot shells, now I'm saying this as a strictly inside the home weapon, but one thing I may point out is some sort of early warning device, motion alarm or the old standby a big dog or if just for alarm purposes any dog
Most seem to agree that the best home defence weapon is what you have with you when needed, personaly we have several, (no kids in the house) a 12 gauge semi auto is good but its a large weapon and can be unweildy, I would say a large bore handgun would also be good loaded with shot shells, now I'm saying this as a strictly inside the home weapon, but one thing I may point out is some sort of early warning device, motion alarm or the old standby a big dog or if just for alarm purposes any dog

I never understand why people feel the need to say "no kids in the house". A accessible firearm does not translate into or in any way mean kids can get it. A person who carries a firearm as many of us do from the time they get dressed till they undress for bed always have one but no kids have access to it. I have a "few" firearm in my home but nothing out in the open as it where.

Loading a handgun with shot is a BAD idea. Unless you using the judge or Governor even then shot woudl be far at the bottom of my list. Shot shells for standard caliber handgun are underpowered and are prone to all kinds of FTF issues in semis.

Loads for defense should be modern reliable and proven loads. When ti comes time to use a defense weapon it has to work and work correctly this is not the place for issues to occur. This is also why the weapon used for defense must be TRAINED with you need to know how to deal with the what may happen when ( cause it will happen at the worst possible time ) it does otherwise you got a club in your hands.
I never understand why people feel the need to say "no kids in the house". A accessible firearm does not translate into or in any way mean kids can get it. A person who carries a firearm as many of us do from the time they get dressed till they undress for bed always have one but no kids have access to it. I have a "few" firearm in my home but nothing out in the open as it where.

Loading a handgun with shot is a BAD idea. Unless you using the judge or Governor even then shot woudl be far at the bottom of my list. Shot shells for standard caliber handgun are underpowered and are prone to all kinds of FTF issues in semis.

Loads for defense should be modern reliable and proven loads. When ti comes time to use a defense weapon it has to work and work correctly this is not the place for issues to occur. This is also why the weapon used for defense must be TRAINED with you need to know how to deal with the what may happen when ( cause it will happen at the worst possible time ) it does otherwise you got a club in your hands.

What, no advice as to what type of dog would be best