Being adamant about not providing info. when asked

It took me a long time to realize how special and unique the United States is. I don't remember this being emphasized to any extent in school.

Has there been any other society that has made provisions in their constitutions/laws that prohibits the ruling body from disarming it's citizens?

I can't help but believe that the "great experiment" has run it's course, or will soon. I dread the idea of revolution, those who rise to power will be nowhere near as thoughtful or intelligent as our founders.

We have gone from an "Innocent until proven guilty to Guilty until you can prove your innocent!
You want my ID? NO
You want to search my car? NO
You want to swab my DNA to "Rule me out?".... HELL NO!
It's not my job to help an officer investigate squat!
Charge me or cut me the f••k lose!
Don't like my attitude! Too bad.

As far as Revolting against our corrupt government.....
Tell me where and when and I'll bring the beer..
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There was no kind of carry in the 1970's, open or concealed. If you had a gun you went to jail. The only exceptions were if you were taking it to a gunsmith to be repaired or were carrying large sums of money on an irregular basis. Amazing how many gunsmiths were open at midnight.

The point of the ID is that in the video, he refused to provide the officer with his ID, and that would have been illegal in Dallas in the 1970's.

The people I arrested were usually wanted on warrants for most any type of crime, including misdemeanors to capital crimes.
So then you're saying that you're required to HAVE ID?

No such requirement exists in Ohio, apart from driving or carrying a concealed firearm.

Who PAYS for that ID? What if you can't afford one?

That was the law in Dallas in the 1970's. ID's were available for no charge from the state. It did not have to be a drivers license, just a state photo ID.

You see, it seems an unfair burden to have to show who you are to us because none of us, at least I hope so, have warrants out for our arrest. Most of the folks I dealt with were not so fortunate. They were pimps, ladies of the evening, burglars, robbers and just all around thugs and thieves. I worked in a very bad part of town.
I hope you know that "driving a motor vehicle" is not a RIGHT it's a PRIVILEGE.

It is obvious that you drank the Kool Aid that has been dished out by our State public Servants for years. I didn't know what my rights were untill I did reshearch. It is a right to travel in a motor vehicle for private purposes on the public highways. We all have been indoctrinated by our educators to believe that the elected know what is best for you. When you remind the elected that they work for you, they look stunned then realize they must deal with someone who know thier rights. This includes Judges. You also realize that the elected servants have no duty to tell you the truth or protect your rights The only one who wil protect your rights is you. So wake up! Stop believing the spin you hear! It is obvious to me that the majority are not willing to fight for thier rights. Most do not even know thier rights.
How many know that the Uniform Commercial Code was Adopted by all 50 state in 1964 and that for it to be applied that UCC 1-207 now UCC 1-308 had to be in it to protect your common law rights. ????????????
adamant about protecting MY liberty

so WHO is asking, what info are they wanting, what is the situation?

If LEO, there are laws most places that require I provide certain info when LAWFULLY requested to do so. He wants my government issued photo ID and my carry permit? Fine... here they are. Now, he's wanting to know what I had for supper, where I am going, who I was with last night the last time I went to the range, sorry, tose are NOT lawful requests, and I will NOT comply. WHY? Simple truth;;; the tables are VERY skewed when its me against LEO. Do you realise ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I say CAN and WILL be used against me? Most folks do. BUT, do you realise NOTHING I say can ever be admitted as evidence to exonerate me, cast doubt on any statement of the cop, or do anything to prove my innocence> Few do realise this.

Thus, there have been cases where cop askes guy stopped for a broken taillamp where he's coming from..... where he's just been. THEN cop informs innocent civilian he's under arrest for suspeicioni of burglary. Reason? A car fitting that rough description was seen driving down the street where a house was broken into an hour ago. Cop's got a burr under his saddle blanket, all he needs is "reasonable cause to believe", and our friend's got the cuffs on, his car on the hook, and he's looking at the wrong side of the walls at the GreyBar Hotel. Innocent as the day is long.

Stand your ground, when LEO begin asking pointed questions having little to nothing to do with the ostencible reason for the "contact", shut down the conversation. IF today's LEO weren't so often out to play tough guy, this wold not be such an issue. Sadly, they are being militarised at a rapie rate, and increasingly innocents are getting falsely arrested, even shot. Like one responder said above... if I am expected to follow the written laws, I can reasonably expect to hold THEM accountable to the same laws. SO MANY people have ended up behind bars and a court fight on their hands by simply providing too much information. Who was that guy arrested near the Mexico border about the time of the OK City bombing, knew he was innocent of any wrong, ended up taling freely, thinking there was nothing to hide, ended up murdered by LE once in jail... turns out he was mistaken for another wanted man, his sotry had just enough info to match a few pieces of the real story. Had he kept his mouth shut........

This post just makes me sad...

Ah... Yeah! I must have missed reading that "Right" in the Constitution. Thanks for clearing that up....
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I know that I’ve not posted here before, but that doesn’t mean I am unfamiliar with the topic. I've been quite involved and observant of this matter for many years, and have learned that, "The main problem with this argument is, “Denial”. "

The, “tells” are all there, including disparaging remarks, and ad hominem attacks. People would rather blame someone else than face their own fears.

People who question such behavior aren’t going to be convinced because in truth, they know the answer, but just don’t want to face it. Evidenced is the main thrust of the argument against. That being “fear”.

Here’s more. As an example, croute pointed it out in his very first post. Yet, rather than accept that it’s a valid reason for, he (and this is common throughout the opposition, not exclusive to croute) tries to use it as an argument for opposition. Their reason for compliance is “Fear”. Yet, THAT is the very reason to not comply, and for the most part why so many have decided to take a stand. We’ve so devolved as a society that we accept without any apprehension that the coercion involved in such matters is not just accepted, but also “expected”. “It’s easier” (Why? It shouldn’t even matter.). “I’d rather avoid the hassle.” (Again, it shouldn’t be a factor). “It will only lead to more loss of rights” (as if you really have those rights when you’re so afraid of loosing them that you can’t be satisfied with just making your own decision on the matter. And again, it shouldn’t be a factor). The very fact that we (as a society in general) expect this sort of thing is an acknowledgement of that fear (regardless of our wanting to admit/accept it). It is human in nature to turn ones fear onto someone else for blame/criticism instead of facing one’s own fear (this argument goes both ways). That of course is the foundation of bigotry (disparage, rather than deal with one’s personal fears (often of the unknown or unfamiliar)), and/or insecurities (which is just another manifestation of fear).

You want to know “Why” people stand up? Use all the disparaging, misguided labels you want, but it’s for the very reason that you yourself (not to be mistaken as an individual assessment, but only in general terms), disparage it.

Of course, those reading who disagree will not understand, and I wouldn’t expect them to. That’s the thing about denial. The really deep denial is not even perceivable until you come out of it. Until then, you’re controlled by that fear. And, “fear” is one of the strongest motivators.

Now to address the officer (thank you for your service) from Dallas. I find it very interesting that there was/is an actual law that allows an officer to detain someone without reasonable suspicion when the Supreme Court of the USA ruled such action unconstitutional many years ago. I don’t doubt that there are laws requiring people to ID themselves once detained, but to say, “…any reason” is a little broad. I suspect that if the officer does not properly articulate RAS, that any evidence later would be considered fruit of the poisonous tree. Of course, most officers don’t have to worry about that since the burden of proving innocence is so great (gee, another indicator of that, “fear”).

Of course, there's always someone who will feel so threatened by my statements that they'll feel compelled to disparage me (often times just plain bullying), without even caring that doing so will only prove me right (there's those ad hominem comments again.)Think about it. If I'm wrong, then you won't be so insecure as to care enough to do so, and doing so would be nothing more than bullying. If I'm right, then the only reason to attack has already been explained.

"Flame on."
Wow this thread is amazing. The amount of people that think the police should be able to randomly stop a person walking down the road doing nothing, ask for ID and then should be presented with said ID is amazing. Let me ask some questions, I'd like a little insight here..

If you were walking down the road, not carrying a firearm and were randomly stopped and asked for ID, would you present it?
If you were sitting with your family, eating dinner in a restaurant minding your own business, not carrying a firearm, and were stopped and asked for ID, would you present it?
If a police officer knocked on your front door, and asked you for your ID when you opened it would you present it?

Why is there this assumption that the laws and rules are supposed to change because a person is lawfully, and in many cases has a license to, carrying a firearm? To appease the public interest? Am I supposed to change my way of living to appease some ignorant buffoon I meet at Pizza Hut or the grocery store who "doesn't feel safe that I'm carrying a firearm?" Am I expected to give up my personal safety, and not exercise my right because some nobody with 9 kids from 7 different fathers who's on welfare doesn't approve?

We, in the USA, have things called rights. Believe it or not, the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms. Some states may attempt to regulate it, license it or whatever you wish to call it, but it is still a right regardless.

Would you all share the same excitement if our First Amendment rights were treated the same as our Second? Would it be acceptable if each state was able to regulate\license our rights to free speech or religion? Say it cost $500/yr for your ability to stay a Christian and go to church.. would you still think it okay for police to stand outside the church asking for your papers?
Would it be alright that the government houses troops in your house unless you pay a yearly fee? What about any of your other rights?

Think of what you're advocating here.. that it's okay for a random police officer to give me a hard time and demand my ID when I have done nothing illegal and am going about my day, simply because I am open carrying a firearm? Please, tell me one instance where a criminal was open carrying a firearm. The proper procedure in most states is to observe, from a distance until it is seen fit that the MWAG is not committing any criminal acts, and then leave the scene. Otherwise, illegally detaining a citizen and intimidating them to try to produce an ID is called harassment. I was not an LEO in a state that allowed open carrying (NY), but I always felt a little safer when I ran a plate\license check and it came back they were a CCW holder.
Until I went to college and joined the Army, I always LIVED in a "very bad part of town". I've never had a warrant out against me.
In Texas, only two folks can ask to see your CC ID, LEO and magistrate, showing it to a security guard, bank, store manager is the same as printing. While on this point, If under Obama I don't need to show an ID to vote, why should I need an ID to drive, cash checks or carry??

Yes. You just confirmed exactly what I previously said to be true. Adding your self righteous smoke screen into the mix doesn't change the facts. BTW: Fighting domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution amounts to not idly standing by and striking back by posting on an internet forum, eh? That gives an entirely new meaning to "keyboard commando".

IBTL x 10

Thread winner.......
Ah... Yeah! I must have missed reading that "Right" in the Constitution. Thanks for clearing that up....��
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Yes, not everything is spelled out in the Constitution. Some rights were never mentioned. But definitions can change the laws, that is why you must read SCOTUS opinions as they become the law of the land. Narrow minded thinking is what got us where we are today, in regard to a variety of issues. Congress has the ability to define when life begins, Roe vs Wade could be overturned by just changing the definition of when life begins from birth to life begins at conception. Abortion would then be illeagal in most cases despite Roe vs Wade.