Appeals process


New member
I was denied my permit for a lifetime because ISP failed to read that my charges were dismissed by the Judge. I in turn filed for an appeal. I went to the Court House in New Albany, talked to the County Clerk, purchased a copy of record regarding said dismissal, had it certified, envelope, addressed, stamped, all copies of payment, temporary license #, all matters concerning process, mailed it. I waited for nearly a month checking the mail fervently, no reply!! I called the ISP, turns out they didn't receive it? I was stumped! Never in my life have I ever ever ever had a letter not received. Shocked, confused, I have since faxed the information leaving out the certified copy, note that travel time is 2 hours both ways to the Court House, not to mention the time spent there getting yet another copy! I instead printed off the one on "my" highlighting where it said dismissed per the Judges order. I have again not heard anything!! Fearing somehow, someway, could it have been again misplaced?...heaven forbid. How long will this process take? Why am I having such a time with this? I called ISP confirming they did receive the fax, by the by.

I'm not sure how the appeals process works - doesn't it mean filing an appeals thru the courts and actually showing up in atleast small claims court if not a higher one ? It would probably be best to check with a lawyer if you haven't already.
I routinely handle ISP appeals. Your situation is not unique. There are so many applications for handgun permits being processed by ISP that mistakes can be (and often are) made. I may be able to help without the necessity of a hearing. You are welcome to contact me at [email protected]. Typically instances like the one you describe can be handled very quickly if you already have the paperwork.
I routinely handle ISP appeals. Your situation is not unique. There are so many applications for handgun permits being processed by ISP that mistakes can be (and often are) made. I may be able to help without the necessity of a hearing. You are welcome to contact me at [email protected]. Typically instances like the one you describe can be handled very quickly if you already have the paperwork.

The original post was placed 13 months ago. It was the poster's one and only post on this forum, so it's highly unlikely that he/she will read your offer of help. If you click on the user-name of the post, a drop-down menu appears and among the options is one to send the user a Private Message. There's a chance that the user would be notified by email that they received a PM if you send one, and he/she could at least be made aware of your offer that way. If he/she does have email notification turned on, then they will receive text of the message you send them in that email. Include a link to this thread in the PM and suggest they read it, and they'll still get the link and message in their email inbox even if they've forgotten their password and can't collect their PMs.

Thanks for catching this one

The original post was placed 13 months ago. It was the poster's one and only post on this forum, so it's highly unlikely that he/she will read your offer of help. If you click on the user-name of the post, a drop-down menu appears and among the options is one to send the user a Private Message. There's a chance that the user would be notified by email that they received a PM if you send one, and he/she could at least be made aware of your offer that way. If he/she does have email notification turned on, then they will receive text of the message you send them in that email. Include a link to this thread in the PM and suggest they read it, and they'll still get the link and message in their email inbox even if they've forgotten their password and can't collect their PMs.


Thanks Blues. I started responding to a few threads before I realized that the posts were old so I stopped my response and deleted it. Thanks for catching this one. I suspect by now my information is too dated to have any impact on the poster.

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