Anyone Else Having Problems With Ruger Recall?


New member
I called the other day looking for an answer to where my shipping package was for my LCP and was told that the shipping kit was sent out on the 14th of November...As of the 25th still nothing.Anyone else having this problem? Ive placed several calls but seem to be going in circles with them.:wacko:

The company represenative told me that they will only send out the shipping boxes when they have the new parts on hand, to avoid having to keep the pistols stacked up waiting on parts to arrive. This way they should not have more than a week in turn around time. Sounds reasonable to me. Just my opinion.:cool:
Several years ago I worked for a mail order pharmacy for about a year. Around Christmas time it would sometimes take weeks for the packages to arrive at there destinations. Hopefully, your package is just in transit somewhere.
Just received my box yesterday (12/9/08).

Like many of you, I was told that I would receive my shipping material about six weeks ago. This is actually the second time my LCP will be going back to Ruger. The first time there were three large gouges in the barrel before one shot was even fired. Considering it took several weeks to get the pistol back during a normal package time, I think that my "lil' cutie" will not be sent until January. :wink: