Anyone carry & work @ Liquor Store?


New member
I just took a job at a liquor store (owned by a friend) and will be working mostly nights 5pm-10pm here in a sleepy town on Cape Cod. It's not as sleepy as it used to be though....there have been a number of armed robberies at some gas stations / convenience stores and an accquaitance of mine with a drug problem actually held up a local bank at gunpoint last year....he's awaiting trial. Anywho....I took this job because it means a few steady extra bucks to support my young and growing family. I know for a fact that liquor stores and the like are prime targets for enterprising punks with Meth, Heroin and Crack Cocaine habits to support. I want to go home to my family every I will carry, like I always do, while I am working at the liquor store. I am sure there are some of you out there who might work at a liquor / convenience store and carry. I'd just like to know what method and type of weapon you use for carry? I have a host of different handguns and a host of holsters.....1911, Glock 30, S&W M&P 9mm Compact, .357 S&W 5 shot snubbie and a Walther PPK. Would love to from you all! Stay safe!

I work in a liquor store for a friend of mine on occasion. When he needs a break, he'll ask me to cover for him. Whenever I'm working I'll have my G23 and G27 on me. There are many safeguards in place, never hurts to have a little extra protection. :wink:

I just took a job at a liquor store (owned by a friend) and will be working mostly nights 5pm-10pm here in a sleepy town on Cape Cod. It's not as sleepy as it used to be though....there have been a number of armed robberies at some gas stations / convenience stores and an accquaitance of mine with a drug problem actually held up a local bank at gunpoint last year....he's awaiting trial. Anywho....I took this job because it means a few steady extra bucks to support my young and growing family. I know for a fact that liquor stores and the like are prime targets for enterprising punks with Meth, Heroin and Crack Cocaine habits to support. I want to go home to my family every I will carry, like I always do, while I am working at the liquor store. I am sure there are some of you out there who might work at a liquor / convenience store and carry. I'd just like to know what method and type of weapon you use for carry? I have a host of different handguns and a host of holsters.....1911, Glock 30, S&W M&P 9mm Compact, .357 S&W 5 shot snubbie and a Walther PPK. Would love to from you all! Stay safe!


If crackheads are your worry, I'd go with a bigger caliber for stopping power. I wouldn't think that a 9mm would be beefy enough for a guy that's spent the night in a crack den. Sucking chest wounds by a .45 will be hard to overcome.

Another issue for you to consider is an armed security guard license. In TN, to carry a gun as a security guard, you need extra training. I can't imagine MA being any LESS strict on that. Perhaps he can hire you as an extra helper at the store (who happens to be armed), rather than a "security guard." I'm assuming, of course, that there IS a licensed required, and you do not possess that license.

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