Another Poll they'll use against us in Legislative sessions


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ABC poll-Should self defense be allowed on College Campuses

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Results broken down by State

So far, no one wants the right of self defense on campus

I am not against self-defense in campuses, especially teachers and professors. What worries me are the soldiers in places like Fort Hood. They are not allowed to have guns even though they are supposed to be deployed to wars.
I am not against self-defense in campuses, especially teachers and professors. What worries me are the soldiers in places like Fort Hood. They are not allowed to have guns even though they are supposed to be deployed to wars.

That is correct, because Bill Clinton, when he was President, issued an executive order saying so.
I wonder how the pertinent questions on the poll were asked? Was it a simple: Should guns be allowed on campus? At which point any number of school shootings come to mind, followed by a definate NO!

Now if the question were posed: "Should the right of self defence be extended to include college campuses?" Would probably evoke a whole different range of responses.

My wife, the Sociology Masters (amongst other Degrees) taught me the fine art of developing polling questions to further your desired "results". Works every time.

the exact question is Should Guns be Allowed on College Campuses? (if you click it you'll see)

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I propose that implies disarming campus police if you say "no"
Lessons hasn't been learned so will take the whole country like Israel's situation for these bench warmers to act to have our kids protected.
Allowing guns of campus would stop the free fire zones for the BG's, they have to have a place to feel free to shoot the innocent. Why do police need guns on campus, since no guns are allowed on campus, police do not need them either. Federal Gun Free Zone, no one needs a weapon as it is a GUN FREE ZONE.

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