Another CC only snob's opinion....


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Compliments of USA Carry:
How to Overcome Your Fear Of Concealed Carrying - USA Carry

Conversely, if you see a yahoo walking around with a clear print of his everyday carry, it’s not your job to correct him. You’re not responsible for anyone other than yourself. Not everyone is like you and some people are just downright daft. So long as they don’t cause a problem — don’t cause a problem.

My response:
".... a yahoo walking around with a clear print of his everyday carry, it’s not your job to correct him. and some people are just downright daft."

Oh, I see. It isn't up to the concealed carry only snob to correct those that don't meet their "standards", but let's just call them "yahoo"s and "daft". Got it! I open carry 90% of the time, and the 10% when I decide to conceal because I am going into a mall or movie theater, I flip my shirt over the gun and that's it. So, I am definitely one of your "daft yahoo's" and I don't particularly give a rat's butt about your opinion of it. But feel free to point my firearm out to me, I would love to have that discussion with you.

I'm totally not against all those mall ninjas concealing their firearms for the next bad guy they can't wait to execute, it's not my job to make sure they are carrying appropriately, some people are just down right stupid.

Reminds me of a teacher I had in college..."I am not a feminist, people say I am, but I am not." Proceeds to lecture for 2 hours about how the country was ruined by males, specifically white, over the age of 50. But...she said she wasn' she wasn't, right?
[/QUOTE] Got it! I open carry 90% of the time, and the 10% when I decide to conceal because I am going into a mall or movie theater, I flip my shirt over the gun and that's it. So, I am definitely one of your "daft yahoo's" and I don't particularly give a rat's butt about your opinion of it. But feel free to point my firearm out to me, I would love to have that discussion with you.[/QUOTE]

Sooo, just saying, here and now, "Dude, like, I guess you shouldn't let your firearm print, when you can avoid it..." just won't help.

Ohhh, BTW, there's some folks here who obviously are from the big city, drink like, way too much coffee, and don't have a clue how we live.

Yanno, WTTW, FWIW, shhhh...

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