
To clarify do not reply with the quote from one of the troublemakers/trolls. It is o.k. to quote a patriot like ricbak. If we would all refrain from posting the vial attacks that the few here post every time the rest of us post then when their efforts to incite others do not work perhaps they will move on. We can only hope but at least we will not be subject to it.
If everyone just put these two troublemakers on ignore, they would just converse among themselves and leave the rest of us alone! Just a suggestion...:biggrin:

I agree, but I can't count the many times I've held back from wanting to say to someone arguing with one of these troublemakers..."excuse me, but isn't the person you're communicating with here on your IGNORE LIST"? Don't these people know how foolish they look?

Ringo I would say a fool is the last one to know he is a fool.
Ringo I would say a fool is the last one to know he is a fool.

Very true & I am one of the fools of whence you speak.

ricbak said:
Agreed, and Please refrain from "Quoting" a post.

I had all the bottom feeders on ignore & another individual quoted one of their posts. That got my hackles up & ready to fight so I took everyone off ignore to get the whole picture for my rebuttal.

Who is the greater fool, the fool or the man who argues with one? I think I have satisfactorily proven that I am the greater fool & still regret it.
The truth

Why do intelligent men hide from the truth?

“The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.”
-Winston Churchhill

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32

When was the last time a Christian had strapped a bomb to their body with the intent on killing as many innocent people and destroying as much as they could or blow up a plane? Why does everyone want to come to this country? Why can’t people get it though there heads that The Muslim Religion is not a PEASEFUL religion. Most not all of those people are one step away from being cavemen. The smart ones are figuring out how to destroy within our own government thru political correctness and the scum that represent us. They figured out that they don’t need to blow us up they can destroy us thru out own PC.

I am sure there is at least one Muslim reading these postings. I wonder what he/she is saying about them conservative, Christian gun owners? Who the hell cares!!!

The saudi's supply the world with oil. The government is great friends with the Bush, and Chaney families. Bill Clinton is wetting his beak over there also. Now its Bushes fault.!!!

Oh yeah, a group of Saudi's planned, and hijacked some airplanes and killed over 3,000 Americans. IMO, we find the guilty, hunt them down, and settle matters. Does that mean you are not quite sure???

Simply Amazing!!
The Christian's of the west supply their Jewish friends in the east modern weapons, so there is no need to strap on a bomb.
Everyone wants to come to this country because it is the land of opurtunity, and entitlements.
All religions are violent. Pick up a history book.

You ever visit the Boston, and Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas? Ever drive off the black top, or get out of the canoe and meet the hillbillies?
In the middle east, The smart ones, are using the less educated ones to do their bidding.

In America the republicans are using the right wing entertainers to fire up the stupid, and weak. Read the FUD postings that pop up on this website. Who do you think is behind that?

Think about it.

Think about what you say here. The whole world is watching. Regarding people who may wish to do us harm. I would rather we held them close. Remember what Don Vito Corleone said about his enemies?
YouTube - the godfather don corleone Marlon Brando

Iceman, just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they're stupid or weak. Again I ask, rather than call people names why don't you back your argument with counterpoints? I vote Republican so by your words that makes me stupid or weak and, honestly, I take offense to that. I've read many of your posts and know that, when you want, you can add to the conversation. Unfortunately this seems to be getting more and more rare as you allow yourself to flame people rather then discuss points with them.
I don't see anywhere in iceman's post where someone was "called" a name. I see where a type of person was characterized in that fashion. The same type on both sides.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

If you don't like it, get some new shoes. :biggrin:
I don't see anywhere in iceman's post where someone was "called" a name. I see where a type of person was characterized in that fashion. The same type on both sides.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

If you don't like it, get some new shoes. :biggrin:

Let's see what exactly this statement means: "In America the republicans are using the right wing entertainers to fire up the stupid, and weak." It sounds to me like anyone who listens to the Republicans is stupid or weak. That includes a lot of people. He also talks about "hillbillies" as if they are a stupid ignorant lot. I know many people from the Ozarks that just might disagree with him. My Grandfather, while not from the Ozarks but from Oklahoma, never made it to high school. He had more common sense than many college graduates I know and could listen to someone and know whether they were telling the truth or not. I guess what I'm saying here is that because someone listens to Republicans doesn't make them stupid weak right wingers. This is name calling no matter how you want to look at it.
It sounds to me like anyone who listens to the Republicans is stupid or weak.
No, it means the ones who get fired up by sensationalized misinformation are stupid and weak.
He also talks about "hillbillies" as if they are a stupid ignorant lot.
I am of western Appalachia descent myself and I knew some stupid ignorant hillbillies growing up. The stereotype is what it is. If the shoe fits... If not, move on.
This is name calling no matter how you want to look at it.
Only if you take it personally. If you cannot be objective or see clearly through the prism of your beliefs, you have every right to be insulted. But that would be your fault.

Nodoby can make you feel bad but yourself.
I also believe that government has no business telling us how we should live our lives. I think our lifestyle choices should be left up to us. What we do in our private lives is none of the government's business. That position rules out the Republican Party for me.
Jesse Ventura

Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business.
Jesse Ventura

Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and allegiance that is the result of knowledge and belief. A patriot shows their their patriotism through their actions, by their choice.
Jesse Ventura

I orginate from Clarksville AR. I come from a long line of Hillbillies. Thank God I got out. I think I know what the word hillbilly, and backwards mean. I know what stupid means to. Following what a group of like minded media entertainers ain't very bright ifin u ask me.

and other thing.

Wasn't the movie Deliverance filmed in Georgia? Neb Beaty had a rough go in that one.

ron, lets hear ya SQEEEEL
OK I am qualified to discuss this one, my mother, and grandfather were from the back hills of Tenn, Not AK but still a good analogy.
As a youth I spent many a summer vacation wondering the back woods and trails of that land, and although the people were not as educated as those in the city, they have their own education, trapping, hunting, fishing, growing food where no one else can, hard working and generous to a fault, kind of like the Amish with electricity.... They put family and friends high on the priority list, like to set back with them for a good meal and horrors talk, no TV no radio to disturb them, meals are time for family to talk, something we all should do more of.

Yeah they are not rich money wise, wear hand me downs, re used cloths for the kids cutting down dads old bibs, no waste, but they ate good, and treated family and friends well.

So be it known Hillbilly is not a dirty word.... nor should you be ashamed to be one....

Now can we stop the bickering and get BOT