Alabama Flag Company Begins Confederate Flag Production In-Store, Over 1,000 Sold on

nogods: Everyone has the privilege of being stupid, but you severely abuse it. You are very redundant in your comments which makes it painfully obvious that you are lacking in historical knowledge of the reasons for the war. Slavery was not the only issue and, if you will do a little research maybe you will understand. But, then again, maybe not.

Repeating your lies won't make them true. I've already posted the specific sections from the The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States all of which specify that preserving slavery and the failure of the non-slave states to recognize the bigots "property" when they escaped into a non-slave state were THE reasons the war.

Oh wait, maybe you think the legislators of those southern states were no good liars. Now on that, you might be right. Seems to be in the genes.

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Right...because they carried that battle flag as they fought for the reasons declared by their leaders...let's see...what were those reasons again?...An end to slavery? Equality under the law for all despite skin color? the right of blacks to vote?

Those who carried the battle flag of the traitors whose declared purpose was to preserve slavery were bigots then and those who waive that flag of slavery are bigots now.

You can try to run from history but it'll always catch up to you.

You are being willfully obtuse. You are ignoring, or running from real history if you prefer, the history of the US of A which had yet to do anything to outlaw slavery before the War of Northern Aggression all the way up through December 6, 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified. Your abysmal grasp of history likely precludes you from knowing that ratification came no less than eight months after Lee's surrender at Appomattox. During those eight months, KY, MO, MD and DE remained exempted from Lincoln's unconstitutional Emancipation Proclamation, removing even the phony pretense of the Union having done anything to outlaw slavery before or during the entirety of the War of Northern Aggression, or for the interim eight months before the 13A was ratified.

The US Flag was just as "racist" as the actual CSA Flag, which was never the Confederate Battle Flag.

The Constitution which the US Flag was, and ostensibly still is, emblematic of, also preserved slavery right up until the 13th Amendment was ratified.

Several Acts of Congress that acknowledge and preserve for perpetuity the status of CSA soldiers as veterans, equal in every conceivable regard to Union soldiers from the same conflict or any vet from any other conflict in this country's history, contradict your slander that they were "traitors."

And it is clearly you who runs from history when you can't even answer a perfect and direct analogy to the Founders and Revolutionary War vets who were traitors to Great Britain. Is the Founding of this country any less valid because of the presence of traitors in its leadership and armies? Is it the presence of those traitors that makes it illegitimate, or the incorporation and legitimization of slavery in its founding documents that makes it so? Or a combination thereof? Whatever, your selective and gymnastic romp through history that you're using to justify and rationalize your bigotry and slander against today's Southerners is no less disgusting than anything any Confederate or Union soldier ever did in defense of his homeland. The only difference is that any of them on either side were being intellectually honest about the reasons they fought. You're just a plain ol' hateful bigot, which likely has as much to do with the fact that the South remains mostly Christian as it does with anything that inspired this region of the country's ancestors to participate in the War of Northern Aggression.

You are being willfully obtuse. You are ignoring, or running from real history if you prefer, the history of the US of A which had yet to do anything to outlaw slavery before the War of Northern Aggression all the way up through December 6, 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified. Your abysmal grasp of history likely precludes you from knowing that ratification came no less than eight months after Lee's surrender at Appomattox. During those eight months, KY, MO, MD and DE remained exempted from Lincoln's unconstitutional Emancipation Proclamation, removing even the phony pretense of the Union having done anything to outlaw slavery before or during the entirety of the War of Northern Aggression, or for the interim eight months before the 13A was ratified.

The US Flag was just as "racist" as the actual CSA Flag, which was never the Confederate Battle Flag.

The Constitution which the US Flag was, and ostensibly still is, emblematic of, also preserved slavery right up until the 13th Amendment was ratified.

Several Acts of Congress that acknowledge and preserve for perpetuity the status of CSA soldiers as veterans, equal in every conceivable regard to Union soldiers from the same conflict or any vet from any other conflict in this country's history, contradict your slander that they were "traitors."

And it is clearly you who runs from history when you can't even answer a perfect and direct analogy to the Founders and Revolutionary War vets who were traitors to Great Britain. Is the Founding of this country any less valid because of the presence of traitors in its leadership and armies? Is it the presence of those traitors that makes it illegitimate, or the incorporation and legitimization of slavery in its founding documents that makes it so? Or a combination thereof? Whatever, your selective and gymnastic romp through history that you're using to justify and rationalize your bigotry and slander against today's Southerners is no less disgusting than anything any Confederate or Union soldier ever did in defense of his homeland. The only difference is that any of them on either side were being intellectually honest about the reasons they fought. You're just a plain ol' hateful bigot, which likely has as much to do with the fact that the South remains mostly Christian as it does with anything that inspired this region of the country's ancestors to participate in the War of Northern Aggression.

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