Airline Travel - Flashlight


New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm getting ready for a business trip and decided to carry on all my luggage since it is only overnight. The downside is that I won't be bringing my handgun and won't be able to check my knives. However, I do own a Fenix LD10 flashlight that I'm hoping is allowed through airport security. I have access to an airport that is easy to get in and out of so I can always check with security before boarding and return it to my car if it isn't allowed.

Has anyone had any experience with this?

You're flashlight is fine. Flight Attendants are required by law to have a flashlight in their pocket, or easily accessible, and they can't have anything on a plane that you can't.

TSA: Prohibited Items
I recently traveled with a three cell double A LED flashlight in a holster on my hip with no problem..
I think it's funny.. I can't have a nail clipper but I can have big (bigger than I carried) flashlight that I could really beat someone with.. I believe umbrellas are also allowed.. Now that can make a pretty good weapon as well.. Oh, but take away those nail clippers!!!
Flashlight will be AOK. What about carrying a padlock with handkerchief tied to it? That's a good weapon. I saw a special on History Channel or something like that where outlaw biker gangs carry locks with a bandana tied to it and then they carry the big ol' Maglites in a loop off their belts. Innocent enough and packs a wallop.
Flashlight will be AOK. What about carrying a padlock with handkerchief tied to it? That's a good weapon. I saw a special on History Channel or something like that where outlaw biker gangs carry locks with a bandana tied to it and then they carry the big ol' Maglites in a loop off their belts. Innocent enough and packs a wallop.

Under TSA rules, walking sticks and canes are allowed.

...then they carry the big ol' Maglites in a loop off their belts. Innocent enough and packs a wallop.

Some years ago (before NC became a "shall issue" state) I got stopped by a State Trooper for a seabelt violation. He noticed my 4 D cell MagLight on the passenger seat and asked my why I was carrying something like that. I said I carried one for the same reason he did..

Some years ago (before NC became a "shall issue" state) I got stopped by a State Trooper for a seabelt violation. He noticed my 4 D cell MagLight on the passenger seat and asked my why I was carrying something like that. I said I carried one for the same reason he did..

Same goes for a gun.. Correct??

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