If you don't think LEO is an armed arm of the political left just read on

When Scott Walker went after the public workers unions pension and insurance plans, he riled the unions. Wisconsin was going the way that IL and CA were going with all the expense of their agreements with the unions. It was not sustainable! Walker proposed for the union workers to pay some of their insurance costs. The union people were paying little to none, getting fat pensions and had a Cadillac Plan after they retired. Nobody else in WI, the taxpayers, have anything like what the public unions! This unions squealed like a stuck pig. The LEOs are in these same public unions so they are mad at Walker and everyone else who is either with or supports Walker!

I am not making an excuse for these LEOs! I can see they are mad and it would not take much for someone to light their fuse, such as some corrupt "official" who should not have the job in the first place!!!! Which is why you should vote and vote for people who are moral!!!
Let's say that the average big city cop is 35, born in 1980. I don't care how professional and clean-cut he looks from a distance, he's a product of public education propaganda, from the beginning era of dumbing down the kids in overall academics to the point that a BA is roughly equivalent to a 1960s or 1970s HS diploma. This 35 year-old cop has little respect for the US Constitution because he wasn't raised to appreciate it - his military experience is also irrelevant in appreciating the Constitution. Today, our military is getting groomed to stand against constitutionalists, seen as terrorists and despised as much as the name of Jesus. These 35 year-old cops have a bumper sticker understanding of the US Constitution. The fact that he swore an oath to it is as meaningless as Obama's oath - just a formality. These points go to the root of the police militarization attitude and so it's ludicrous to talk around the problem; around the root issue.

I think that an emotional maturity deficit exists with cops 35 years-old and younger.
A dynamic not mentioned when analyzing these police-freak stories is, maturity. The emotional maturity of men becomes an issue where they assume roles of authority. History must be used for comparison's sake to make the point that even into the early 20th century, at the age of 8 and 10, boys were put to work without social or government hindrance, given great responsibilities from cutting and splitting wood, building fires for the home's warmth and slaughtering farm animals for food - and then, where possible, attending school. The awareness of human survival and hard work was ingrained into young men at a very early age.
Even during the Civil War, on both sides, could be found thousands of young men only 15 and 16 years old, fighting for what they assumed to be, their country and families – only politicians made the cause for presumed reasons of altruism. The point is that in modern society, particularly over the past 4 decades, young men have been released into society, straight from a myriad of pc games, and other 'virtual' life experience, to the real world - real life, real people, after possessing scant experience of any somber responsibility. Even today's military life is a softened version of responsibility, compared to decades past; technology replacing much of the 'mature' decision-making. So, a 33-year old man may possess the emotional maturity of a 20-year old.
Again, another root point to the issue.

I don't see it getting better because Marxist states, as Obama is fast transforming the government, exploit immature thinkers - use them because it's easy and they're easily given to propaganda.

If the next and last American Revolution comes to fruition, it will see old men imprisoned for resisting and speaking against the tyranny. The young men and women, both military and police, will be busy arresting, beating and killing them for speaking against tyranny.
Great article, but why link to a Freeper reprint of it instead of to the actual source? Whatever, here's the source-link:

National Review

My wife has nothing better to do when she rides the commuter train north other than read Freeper and a mess more right wing fringe sites. So she emails me the link and I post it here. I saw that it was attributed to National Review but I had to get working and just didn't feel like tracking down the original...so here it was!
I find myself disagreeing with the poster; but only in that the police are an arm of the political party currently in power.
We all work for those who control us (unless self-employed and even then....), when someone has your job in their hands you tend to do whatever you believe is in the best interests of keeping your job unless it's so unthinkable that you'd risk putting your livelihood at risk.
I find myself disagreeing with the poster; but only in that the police are an arm of the political party currently in power.
We all work for those who control us (unless self-employed and even then....), when someone has your job in their hands you tend to do whatever you believe is in the best interests of keeping your job unless it's so unthinkable that you'd risk putting your livelihood at risk.

I am self employed. The difference between me and the cops in the story is I will not do anything that a client wants me to do. When I finish the work I do for them everybody is better off. I am not sure how many on this forum would agree with your notion that people will do whatever they are told to do by those in charge. When it comes to using serious strong-arm tactics we see what some law enforcement types are willing to do. Now the big questions is are they doing it because they were told...are they doing it because it gives them a pudgy...or is it a combination of both. If the police are an arm of the political party in power then this country is truly headed for some very very dark days.
I would have to recommend a better comprehension and use of the English language for the above poster.

"... your notion that people will do whatever they are told to do by those in charge." - Lack of Comprehension. My words were, "...tend to do whatever you believe is in the best interests of keeping your job unless it's so unthinkable that you'd risk putting your livelihood at risk." That means I'll take out the trash if the boss says so, it doesn't mean I'll kill a puppy or take candy from a baby (unless the baby is shoplifting, of course)

"... I will not do anything that a client wants me to do." - Use of the English language (aka 'grammar'). What you just wrote, is that whatever the client tells you to do, you will not do it. I'm sure what you meant is "I won't do whatever a client wants me to do" which implies that there are limits as to what acts you will perform for a client's remuneration. (That means, you do a job and get paid for it.)

If you don't think the police are an arm of the politicians who pay and employ them, then who do you think they are responsible to? The public which didn't hire them, can't fire them, and is powerless to punish them?
I would have to recommend a better comprehension and use of the English language for the above poster.

"... your notion that people will do whatever they are told to do by those in charge." - Lack of Comprehension. My words were, "...tend to do whatever you believe is in the best interests of keeping your job unless it's so unthinkable that you'd risk putting your livelihood at risk." That means I'll take out the trash if the boss says so, it doesn't mean I'll kill a puppy or take candy from a baby (unless the baby is shoplifting, of course)

"... I will not do anything that a client wants me to do." - Use of the English language (aka 'grammar'). What you just wrote, is that whatever the client tells you to do, you will not do it. I'm sure what you meant is "I won't do whatever a client wants me to do" which implies that there are limits as to what acts you will perform for a client's remuneration. (That means, you do a job and get paid for it.)

If you don't think the police are an arm of the politicians who pay and employ them, then who do you think they are responsible to? The public which didn't hire them, can't fire them, and is powerless to punish them?

Let me try to use some language I think you can understand...will not do anything a client wants me to do...duh...what if the clients want me to pork their chickens...I will not do that...okay...have it your way...I won't do that...do I get a smiley face now.

The cops just like every other person that takes money from me via taxes works on my behalf...my taxes pay his or her salary. They work for me. The chief of police is merely their supervisor...he also works for me as does the frickin mayor...oops bad english...improper word usage...frickin right...as does the governor and the state police. They are our public servants. They have no money except what the tax payer gives them...that is all they have. I, being self employed, actually pay people to either assist me or do the work independent of my supervision. Guess what...I am paying them to work for me because the money is coming out of my pocket. The only thing I can presume is that if you think the cops are not working for me then you are probably very yound and are probably attached to the tax payer teat, say a teacher or something along those lines. It would make sense based on some of your posts that you actually think the government has its own money. If you are a private industry person I urge you to look at your pay stub and see if you got all of the money or did the government take some. Hmmmmmm..... What do you think cops pay checks are made from...the mayors private stash? Me thinks you are a gubmint worker...right?
Let me try to use some language I think you can understand......duh...what if the clients want me to pork their chickens...I will not do that...okay...have it your way...I won't do that...do I get a smiley face now.
Well, I'll freely admit that I have no idea what you do for a living, but I'll take a stab at interpreting your words.
Let's say fer instance that your job is designing HVAC systems and a client wants you to design a HVAC system for his business. You said, "... will not do anything a client wants me to do...". In common English that means you won't design a HVAC system for the client. Perhaps you meant something a bit more sophisticated such as, "I won't do just anything a client asks, ... " or "I won't do everything a client asks,.." as you have some limits in the things you are willing to do for money. But.. alas and alack that's not what you said.

The cops /are/ just like every other person that takes money from me via taxes works on my behalf...my taxes pay his or her salary. They work for me. The chief of police is merely their supervisor...he also works for me as does the frickin mayor...oops bad english...improper word usage...frickin right...as does the governor and the state police. They are our public servants. They have no money except what the tax payer gives them...that is all they have. I, being self employed, actually pay people to either assist me or do the work independent of my supervision. Guess what...I am paying them to work for me because the money is coming out of my pocket. The only thing I can presume is that if you think the cops are not working for me then you are probably very yound[sic] and are probably attached to the tax payer teat, say a teacher or something along those lines. It would make sense based on some of your posts that you actually think the government has its own money. If you are a private industry person I urge you to look at your pay stub and see if you got all of the money or did the government take some. Hmmmmmm..... What do you think cops pay checks are made from...the mayors private stash? Me thinks you are a gubmint worker...right?

Wow, all three strikes in the same paragraph, it's a veritable trifecta.
Strike one) While you may pay taxes, you are not the boss of, nor the employer of public workers. Well, not unless your name appears on the signature line and I'm fairly confident it doesn't.
Strike two) I used to be a government worker, I made a career in the Army. I also used to be self-employed. Now I'm in my mid-50's and retired, livin' off you younguns'. I did rather well, I think.
Strike the third) As said, not a government worker and I'm well aware of exactly where the 'government's money' comes from, you haven't been paying attention if you think otherwise.

Your taxes also pay the President's salary, and for his house, so if you think he 'works for you' go tell him you need him to mow your grass and see just how that works out for ya.
Fallschirmjager, I believe you and JimTh are saying the same thing but are arguing over how you are saying it. I was in business and did service calls for many small shops. I used to say that we did not hang dry wall, BUT if a customer wanted me to hang drywall I WOULD do it. But first I would tell the customer that I was no expert and hanging drywall was NOT what we did! We were a service business for industrial machine tools. There were many times when the economy was soft, weak or just plain "crappy" and we would do jobs that we really had no expertise at. Our customers knew this but they did ask us because we did have a good relationship with them! I must say never did anything where we would put others and ourselves at risk!

JimTh is basically saying the same thing! But the LEOs in these stories are, IMHO, being paid prostitutes for whoever is pulling their strings. Granted they could be fearful for their jobs, livelihood and/or their families! But there does come a time or point where you must chose between your beliefs, convictions and your core values or you are lost! Take a look at the Nazi's! After the war, how many claimed they were "ONLY" following orders!

I, for one, have quit jobs and refused to do jobs because I felt they were WRONG! Now I am not saying everyone must do this because I am not walking in their shoes! I am saying that once you start down that "slippery" slope, it is next to impossible to stop!
You may have a point, my main contention was his deliberate misinterpretation of my words as shown below...

"... your notion that people will do whatever they are told to do by those in charge." - Lack of Comprehension. My words were, "...tend to do whatever you believe is in the best interests of keeping your job unless it's so unthinkable that you'd risk putting your livelihood at risk." That means I'll take out the trash if the boss says so, it doesn't mean I'll kill a puppy or take candy from a baby (unless the baby is shoplifting, of course)

"... tend to do..." is not at all the same as "... will do whatever they are told" and I can't understand how that couldn't be anything other than a deliberate misinterpretation.

His lack of grammar skills was merely icing on that particular cake.

eta: How could the police be prostitutes for whoever is pulling their strings when we have been assured that JimTh thinks they work for him. Are you accusing him of being a pimp? Should I report this to the mods as a personal attack? :girl_cray3:
Folks... let's NOT allow this section of the forum to be suspended as was "Politics", by counter engaging over trivia and then a decent into ad hominems. Thanks!
You may have a point, my main contention was his deliberate misinterpretation of my words as shown below...

"... tend to do..." is not at all the same as "... will do whatever they are told" and I can't understand how that couldn't be anything other than a deliberate misinterpretation.

His lack of grammar skills was merely icing on that particular cake.

eta: How could the police be prostitutes for whoever is pulling their strings when we have been assured that JimTh thinks they work for him. Are you accusing him of being a pimp? Should I report this to the mods as a personal attack? :girl_cray3:

You seem to be just looking for something to fight about. Others have done this and either or no longer here or we add them to our "Ignore List"! Most of us want to discuss ideas, guns, laws, LEO encounters and anything else that involves guns. But you seem to search for something to get offended!

You can get offended with this post and go into a tirade if you want. If you do then that will say volumes about you. I am not trying to start a fight here but now you are threatening me with "reporting" me to Luke!
its very sad that people go through life fearing things that have very little impact on their everyday life.. The secret of life is to be happy everyday... even in the face of events that make the front page. I have a nice house, a great family, wife of 48 years, kids and grand kids who grew up and are growing up with the same morals and ethics that my parent gave me... BY and large, the people I surround myself with daily are also God fearing, happy people, we go to dinner, to shows.. go to baseball games..etc... I don't go through life fearing Cops, because in my 71 years of life, Ive never had any reason too. that doesn't mean that all cops are good. Its sad when I come to this forum and see so many people preaching about how bad things are...My philosophy on life is trying to look at all that is good with my life, my wife, my marriage, my kids and grand kids.. my financial security..etc., Even in the face of advanced stage cancer, I look on my life as a positive experience... If I died tomorrow I would not feel cheated.. If I died tomorrow, chances of it being at the hands of a cop, are about as likely as me hitting the lottery.. Too many people go through life feeling cheated by government, law enforcement, their employer, their financial situation, etc. IM sure the forum beaters will be all over my happiness.. only because they are angry about everything that touches their life, but do little about it...coming here bitching about it , is about as potent as watered down soup.
You can get offended with this post and go into a tirade if you want. If you do then that will say volumes about you. I am not trying to start a fight here but now you are threatening me with "reporting" me to Luke!
Ah, because asking, "... Are you accusing him of being a pimp? Should I report this to the mods as a personal attack?" followed by a funny emoticon can't be taken as anything but a threat.

Okayyyyy, umm sure.:girl_cray3:
Ah, because asking, "... Are you accusing him of being a pimp? Should I report this to the mods as a personal attack?" followed by a funny emoticon can't be taken as anything but a threat.

Okayyyyy, umm sure.:girl_cray3:

So you say. You are still doing what you seem to do best, getting off the topic of the OP! Which you seem to do on every post. Doing all you can to go off topic and not add anything to any discussion!

By the way did you once go by the name of "otis" on this forum????

I do believe I will ignore you and ALL you post because so far I have not seen much that adds to any OP!
Nope, sorry. I've always been this name on this forum.
Were you previously known as Link Removed?

My reply to the original poster was spot-on. It was his reply to me that "dragged it off course".

So you say. You are still doing what you seem to do best, getting off the topic of the OP! Which you seem to do on every post. Doing all you can to go off topic and not add anything to any discussion!
I do believe I will ignore you and ALL you post because so far I have not seen much that adds to any OP!
I'm sure that if I only knew who you were I'd be devastated by such news. Although my mere two hundred posts seem to have made an impression on you, you're completely unknown to me. In light of that, I really can't find any emotional base from which to care about your actions. I hope you don't take my not caring personally.

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