zeroing for dummies


New member
I just bought the M and P 9 c gas blowback. Had the gun zero-ed. Dropped the slide on the ground. Gun is now out of zero...low right.

The sights appear "solid" as if they may not have moved but don't know for sure.

The gun has a "hop up" feature. I have moved the wheel both ways and that doesn't seem to affect accuracy either way. In other words, I turn the wheel to try to affect accuracy and still place rounds low right. I believe the hop up feature may affect high or low shot placement but not right or left.

Any help would be appreciated.

Not clear how that will be of benefit on this one. If I am consistently low right at 5-15 feet, 50 ft will likely exacerbate the accuracy issues. Correct?

Does anyone know if the sights on the M and P 9c gas blowback are adjustable?
You said adjusting the sights don't make any difference to impact point. Extending the range will exaggerate the changes made to the sight adjustments, making any actual change more obvious. At 7 or 9 feet I can make a quarter group with otu using any sights, so what's the point?
If you are hitting consistently low and right though, I believe the problem lies with you, not the gun. (not trying to be mean, just observing the most common causes.)

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See if this helps? Also at extremely close range, using your gun sights, you need to compensate for parallax. Otherwise you're going to hit low because your sights are zeroed for a much longer distance from you, and as a result, the distance between the center of the barrel and the sight line is going to be how low you're typically shooting.
appreciate the help GlassWolf. My groupings with this gun were consistent. Then I dropped the slide. Now my groupings are low right. I don't believe it's user error although I appreciate seeing the wheel.

I never adjusted the sights, only the "Hop Up" feature of this BB gun.

Does anyone know if the sights on the M and P 9c gas blowback are adjustable?
Try using a laser bore sight (I keep one in 9mm and a few other calibers to bore-sight optics/new irons on my guns) and see if it comes close to lining up.
You can adjust the factory sights left to right, but I'm not seeing any adjustment for height/distance, but that's pretty normal. Most handgun sights, especially factory ones, are zeroed from the factory for a specified distance, and to adjust that, you need to swap out one of the sights, usually the front post. They don't have elevation adjustment like rifles do. That's one reason I didn't think dropping the sight would do anything but maybe knock the rear sight to one side or the other slightly.

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