WVCDL Looking for Allies to Expand Reciprocity


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I am looking for individuals and organizations in the following states who are interested in contacting the appropriate state officials in their states to secure concealed handgun reciprocity agreements with West Virginia:

  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
  • Texas
  • Oklahoma
  • Kansas
  • New Mexico
  • Arizona
  • Utah
  • Wyoming
  • Montana
  • Alaska (no license required, see below)

Although West Virginia has greatly expanded its reciprocity with other states since our new reciprocity law took effect on June 7, the bureaucracy works at a snail's pace. Many of our recent reciprocity agreements were the result of WVCDL and similar organizations in other states (i.e., Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Michigan, Missouri) working to place the appropriate officials in each state in contact with one another.

The list above reflects our research to determine whether various states meet the eligibility requirements of West Virginia's new reciprocity law. The primary obstacle to obtaining reciprocity with West Virginia is our law's requirement that a reciprocal state must have a centralized license/permit database that allows law-enforcement officers to instantly verify the status of any license/permit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The same provision exists in Nevada and Virginia.

Please e-mail me if you are interested in helping in any way.

If your state is not on the list, be aware that we are promoting a universal recognition law next year to recognize all other states' licenses/permits, subject to the requirements that the individual licensee be at least 21 years old (current WV law), not a WV resident (eliminates the residency discrimination clause of the current law), and not a prohibited possessor under federal law. This is the same approach that's taken by Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona (Alaska and Vermont, of course, require no license to carry, openly or concealed).

West Virginia Attorney General's official reciprocity information
West Virginia Citizens Defense League
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