Today, March 3 2016, Gov. Tomblin VETOED HB4145. Bloomberg's Minions have been bombarding the airwaves with lies and running full-page adds in WV papers urging pressure on Legislators to NOT over ride the veto.
HB4145 has been carefully structured to NOT allow criminals free rein to carry weapons in WV - in fact the bill establishes ENHANCED penalties for criminals caught possessing arms in WV. Bloomberg's Minions don't CARE about the truth, they only want to trample the will of our people to regain some of their freedoms.
NOW IS THE TIME: West Virginians, call email FAX your State Senator(s) and Delegate in the WV House urging them to stand with their original overwhelming support of HB4145 and VOTE TO OVER RIDE GOVERNOR TOMBLIN'S VETO.
HB4145 has been carefully structured to NOT allow criminals free rein to carry weapons in WV - in fact the bill establishes ENHANCED penalties for criminals caught possessing arms in WV. Bloomberg's Minions don't CARE about the truth, they only want to trample the will of our people to regain some of their freedoms.
NOW IS THE TIME: West Virginians, call email FAX your State Senator(s) and Delegate in the WV House urging them to stand with their original overwhelming support of HB4145 and VOTE TO OVER RIDE GOVERNOR TOMBLIN'S VETO.