Write Sen. Bogdanoff NOW! - Support Florida Open Carry


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Restore Common Sense to Carry Laws,
Support Florida Open Carry.

"I think [the open carry bill] is a little bit overkill," said Florida state Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff (R) to the Sun-Sentinel.

"There's a way to solve [the accidental exposure issue] without allowing people to openly carry,"
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Accidental exposure of a concealed firearm is only one of the problems we face in Florida as one of only 7 states that generally ban open carry.

Our lawmakers need to understand that in 43 states have open carry and repealing Florida’s highly unusual ban will save lives.

Open Carry was banned in Florida based on the same "wild west" and "blood in the streets" lies used to fight against Concealed Carry 24 years ago. These arguments have been proven absolutely false in the 43 Open Carry and 48 Concealed Carry States, including Florida. The Fact is that crime is reduced when law abiding citizens are able to defend themselves.

Open Carry is just another tool in the box that will allow the same people who carry now to be able to select the carry method that best fits the environment and situation at hand.

Write Sen. Bogdanoff NOW! [email protected]
Put “Support Florida Open Carry” in the subject line.

Let her know that it is time to end Florida’s Open Carry Ban and allow law abiding citizens to choose the method of carry that makes sense for them as they can in 43 other states.

Michael Mayo has got to be one of the most self-evident moron's I have read in a long, long, long time. I love this one:

After living in trigger-happy Florida for over two decades, my anti-gun sentiments shaped by a New York City upbringing have softened. Now I'm more ambivalent. If people want to own a firearm because it makes them feel safer, I suppose that's their Second Amendment right.

I just don't want to be around when they snap.

I also don't want to have guns in my sight all day long, an unnerving prospect that the open-carry bill would make a reality.

What a total idiot. It would seem to me that a person as afraid of guns as he is would be a staunch supporter of open carry. Wouldn't he rather see the gun early on so he could run away screaming and blithering in fear and seek shelter from the crazed maniac while the gun is still in it's holster? I guess he prefers a quick death, though, without the prolonged mental anguish of seeing the gun in the holster first, knowing that it is within easy reach of the surely maniacal person carrying it.

Although, there is a slight glimmer of intelligence buried under multiple thick layers of ignorance there:

Meanwhile, I wonder about the Legislature's hypocrisy. It keeps going along with the gun lobby's position that loosened restrictions and widespread gun ownership makes us safer — but only to a point.

Among the places Florida gun owners can't exercise their right to bear arms: the state Capitol. Under the concealed-weapons law passed in 1987, permit holders can't bring guns to "any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof."

Can you say double standard?
Theres a surprise, south FL complaining about legislature! I think its funny how the bottom half of our state is mostly on the left side of things, but the top half, not so much really. ill gladly support the OC people, but I dont have an opinion either way, just as long as I can carry in some way!!
Being a NY resident I have always been concerned with the prospect of exposing my firearm by accident. I do agree with the right to open carry but it would be better than nothing to pass a law that would make it much more clear the difference between an accident and what they call "Brandishing"

I currently live in Virginia. I have family in Florida and visit there often! Florida...be like Virginia and become a gold state that supports open carry!
Theres a surprise, south FL complaining about legislature! I think its funny how the bottom half of our state is mostly on the left side of things, but the top half, not so much really. ill gladly support the OC people, but I dont have an opinion either way, just as long as I can carry in some way!!
It is mainly the section north of Cutler Ridge up to Palm Beach that is far left. Down here we are more right of center. And we vote with the Conch Republic for reps.
It is mainly the section north of Cutler Ridge up to Palm Beach that is far left. Down here we are more right of center. And we vote with the Conch Republic for reps.
Very true! I usually generalize because of the bigger cities down there. Im in Orlando, so its slightly left here. I hate it here haha

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