would like some info on getting a ccw


New member
i live in uniondale long island NY i been thinking about getting something for a while now. now that im 39 I would like to know what steps to take to getting started and if im able to get a ccw on long island ... thank for any help and info you can give me
i live in uniondale long island NY i been thinking about getting something for a while now. now that im 39 I would like to know what steps to take to getting started and if im able to get a ccw on long island ... thank for any help and info you can give me


You live in one of the most impossible places to get a CCW. Even the CCW's issued in other parts of the State are not good there.

You can't even buy a handgun legally in NY without a CCW.

Some of the counties out in Western NY are more tolerant. Unless you are real rich and into the politics you won't get one close to THE CITY.

I lived in Steuben County, NY for a year and a half. I could have been arrested for the handguns I owned when I got there. I didn't know they would be a problem. I got a CCW (took about 3 months) and bought 2 more handguns (Each handgun has to be listed on the permit) while I was there and kept my other handguns lubed and packed away until I moved back south to (comparatively) free Florida.
You can thank Dinkens, Kotch, and even Guiliani for that.

I'm in a similar boat as you, since I live in New Jersey. Here carry permits are restricted to armored car security, retired police, and politically well-connected (who can prove compelling need). Of course, you could always move out of the NY area to a more gun friendly location.

Florida will issue CCW permit to non-residents (not valid in NY or NJ, though). Those are recognized by 26 other states, I believe. I applied for mine. You can send request the application to be sent by mail; you never have to go to Florida. Simply fill out the application, have it notarized, include photos and proof of firearms training, and bring the fingerprint card to any law enforcement agency (it does not have to be in your home town or state).
no way i didn't know that. do you have a link for the FL site ?
Obtain an Application for Concealed Weapon or Firearm License by filling out an * online request form for applications * or by contacting any of our offices. The application packet includes the form to be filled out, a copy of Chapter 790, Florida Statutes, a fingerprint card, and a return envelope for the completed application. The information provided below is an overview of the application process. Additional information is provided in the application instructions booklet included with your application.

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