Why is maryland house bill 62 important to west virginia?


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Recently Maryland state Delegate Mike Smigiel introduced House Bill 62 to the MD. legislature. This bill if passed would makle it legal for citizens of West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania that hold a valid concealed carry permit in their home state to carry in the state of Maryland.

read the Bill:


What you can do as citizens of states surrounding Maryland is contact you family, friends, co-workers living in Maryland and get them active in encourageing their Representitives in voting YEA on this bill in maryland. I know that many of you, as I, living in bordering states have occassion to visit MD. Why should you haver to leave your personal protection weapon at home. Doesn't the 2nd Amendment give the right to bare arms? It doesn't say" Except in Maryland" now does it?

I'm asking you to contact your family, friends, co-workers, members of the NRA and their affilates to make some noise and rally support for this bill.
If you want this you will have to be involved in the process, there is no other way. Hoping and 50 cents won't get you a cup of coffee, work will get this done, so "Get er Done".

HB62, along with 2 other pro-gun measures, is scheduled for a hearing before the Judiciary Committee at 1:00 PM 03/04/2014. Please pass this info to your MD friends.

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