Why do they get away with it? Above the Law?


Take It
A few days ago I provided a junior ROTC rifle team with spotting scopes so they wouldn't have to fetch targets and could shoot their air guns more.
I want to know why I would be prosecuted for things the so called leaders do and they're not! ABOVE THE LAW?
:wacko:When I entered the Military Service of the USA I took an oath very similar to the standard oath many politicians take upon entering elected office. I noticed that they all swear to "uphold and defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic" just as I did. I still am bound by this oath as it was made to God and not to man. When a person takes this oath and then sets out to dismantle or destroy the constitution they swore to defend and uphold, even in part, I hold this to be violation of oath of office! Why is there no move to prosecute these people. Are they above the law? I assure you that while I was on active duty that I would have been prosecuted if I had broken my oath. If these elected officials are indeed the elite and above the law then they are royalty and our kings and queens and we are their subjects. This sticks in my craw and I say in the words of Emile Zola, I ACCUSE!!! I cannot stomach a traitor yet during service to our nation I was betrayed by people profiting from their positions and they were never prosecuted. I noticed betrayal in the past few years by elected officials leaking on to the internet, military plans that led to the death of our soldiers with no one prosecuted! This is something I feel needs to be addressed at the highest levels of government and I want to know why elected officials are allowed to break their oath of office and nothing is done! Are we to bow and say, yes your majesty or no your majesty? If they break laws that I would be prosecuted for and they are not then frankly, what the hell is really going on in Washington DC and what would Teddy Roosevelt do about it? I don't like back patting creeps that let one break the law and send the other to prison for the same deed. I joined the NRA after long thought over some of the things I mentioned here but I really don't know what you're up to as I have listened to talk for years and it smells of the back and forth propaganda I saw as a young man when the Soviet Union was our rival.
If we are serious about our real rights then why are violations not prosecuted! Are you for real or just playing with the big boys. In my sight they aren't big at all. I fear God alone and respect no man unless he has earned it. Men like Alvin York as he was God fearing yet took up arms to defend according to his oath. Men like Teddy that would not give in to special interests but served the people. Of, by and for the people means just that. Why don't we insist that the education system undertake to teach respect for each citizen by each citizen and the responsibilities that go with the rights so dearly bought with the blood of those thad died under the oath that some hold worthless yet are called leaders. They are blind leaders that will lead us into the ditch. We as a nation must take what the founding fathers gave us and find a way to live with these rights and teach our young to respect them and each other. There should be no further argument as this is what we have and we need to learn how to make it work. I could go on to classical works like Art of War and Prince Mac but I'm 62 and I want to live out what is left of my life knowing our nation will find the way to make this freedom work the way it was given and not pick it apart. Please don't make an elderly Veteran have to fulfill his oath of years before by taking up arms against traitors that he has faced before. How do traitors get to power? They get there by good men doing nothing about it. Quit respecting traitors! I don't care if they were elected. When they set out to go against their oath they show their true colors.
William Bolton
A disgusted Veteran
PS There are plenty of telephone poles and rope for violent criminals and traitors. Clean up the nation! I would send money but I'm on social security and don't get much.

Bill, I'm sympathetic to what you're saying but the interpretation of the US Constitution to "uphold and defend" is apparently not as black and white as some of us might wish. Just took at the number of 5 - 4 Supreme Court rulings over the years we've had on gun rights and all the other controversial societal questions. Nine of the most learned men and women in America and yet their interpretation of our nation's most basic document continues to break along ideological lines versus merely deciphering what the Founding Fathers meant.

We don't have the luxury of having nine constructionists or originalists if you will who embrace ruling on original meaning (or originally intended meaning) of our Constitution and Laws.
Too much profound interpretation to the words in the Constitution. The men that wrote it were 18th century gentleman farmers and it should be interpreted as such without the "deeper" meanings that special political interests add to it. Justices are added to the Court to follow the slant of the administration of the moment. The moment laws should not interfere with the original Constitution but deal with new problems that Law can do something about. Many decisions that the Court has made in the past are unconstitutional and should be thrown out because they violate the very document that they were supposed to interpret. Murder has always been against the law! Does the law stop it? New laws or reinterpretations don't solve problems. Education does. Changing the law to suit the moment is cursing the darkness! We need to find a way to work within the Constitution we were given and not a new interpretation of each new idea of what different people say it means. It is written in simple language and that is how it should be read.:man_in_love::wacko::sarcastic::laugh:
Youthful indiscretion!

Mathew 5:34-37 (New International Verson)

34 But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

We all make mistakes like joining the Military when we are young and foolish and end up having to live with our mistakes.:sarcastic:
bad ass big daddy of all airborne wanna bez

Top this!
Life Member of the United States Parachute Association
Rigger, Jumpmaster, HALO and HAHO Instructor
Look in the "Parachute Manual", the technical manual for all parachuting worldwide, by Dan Poynter, and you'll find my photo from around the time I was instructing at the request of the Third Army.
Personal friend of Domina Jalbert, the inventor of the open leading edge wing called the Jalbert aerial sled later to be the Jalbert Foil that all wings in use now were copied from.
I flew the first one ever sewed together and have the dated photos to prove it.
Yes, I know Dan and knew Domina and know Ted Strong and a lot of others. I have more time pulling ripcords than you do under canopies or on the plane. You can't even spot sarcasm and you open your mouth to insert your foot as I am the real descendant of Sir William Robert Bolton, Knight of the Bath and cousin of Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson. I've instructed thousands of people in parachuting and never lost a student. I do it the right way as the Third Army decided when they approved my way over many others like who are you anyway? Parachuting is just one of my skills as a Covert Operations Engineer and senior planning officer so put up or shut up peanut gallery.
Topped X2

1- I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to Statefarm.
2- Last weekend I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.
3- I do the Dew! :biggrin:
32nd Great, Great, Grandson of William the Ba$...d on my fathers side and a Scotish decendant of King Alpin on mom's side. That means I can go to war with myself. :biggrin:
If you are receiving payments from an annuity or structured setlement, you can convert them to one lump sum by calling J.G.Wentworth at 877-CASH-NOW. :to_pick_ones_nose: Why someone would set up an annuity and then pawn it off onto some ambulance chaser accountant is beyond me. :hang3:

Just too many Lawyers with too much time on their hands hanging around waiting for their shot at a "big score"!

Gotta fill one's rice bowl somehow!

The whole idea is quite interesting in the whole, since it was another Lawyer, more than likely, that got the recipient that annuity/structured settlement in the first place. Oh well, some folks simply can't live without instant gratification. (I want it MY way! I want it NOW!) (Result of three generations raised via Dr. Spock's vision of blissful childhood.)

Might be OK for the "feel good about themselves" kids.... but does damn little to prepare kids for the vigors of adulthood. Makes for some rather nasty and self centered adults.


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