Who says a .25 is useless???


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Beware of women carrying a gun!!

….when you analyze the situation and make a quick, sound decision.

Woman Stops Grizzly Attack With 25 Cal Pistol

This is a story of self control and marksmanship with an itsy bitsy shooter by a woman against a fierce predator.

What is the smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself?

The Beretta Jetfire:

While out hiking in Alberta Canada with my boyfriend we were surprised by a huge grizzly bear charging at us from out of nowhere. She must have been protecting her cubs because she was extremely aggressive. If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire with me I would not be here today!

Just one shot to my boyfriend's knee cap was all it took…….the bear got him and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace.

It's one of the best pistols in my collection……...

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Right... aaaanyway, .25 is still useless, yes please, let's all get something WORSE than a .22LR, if you need a gun that small some CCI Stingers or Mini-Mags in a .22 will serve you better. But hey, at least the bears are getting fed.
I've actually got that very gun as my last chance before I kiss my ass goodbye gun. Still beats shooting rubber bands at the BG.
Anyone who thinks a .22 or .25 caliber cartridge is "useless" or "ineffective" should be more than happy to stand in front of one to prove it. :happy:
Anyone who thinks a .22 or .25 caliber cartridge is "useless" or "ineffective" should be more than happy to stand in front of one to prove it. :happy:

Not useless against people. Useless against bears. At least defensively. You can kill a bear with a .22 if you shoot it in the eye, but let's see you do that while it's running at you at 30 mph. A couple years ago I was hunting grouse with my uncle when we saw a couple cubs in a tree. We didn't see the mother so immediately turned around to leave. She was right there. It's not a good feeling knowing all you have is 20 ga birdshot to stop a bear. Luckily when we took off towards our atvs a couple hundred feet away she only chased for about 10 yds before letting us go. I refuse to go into the woods without at least a sidearm now.
Anyone who thinks a .22 or .25 caliber cartridge is "useless" or "ineffective" should be more than happy to stand in front of one to prove it. :happy:

There's a difference between lethality and effectiveness, .22 wounds are some of the most lethal by the numbers, any bullet wound can make you bleed out but that doesn't mean it'll stop an attacker when they're trying to harm you. Anyway, I was originally just pointing out that a .25 is more expensive and even less effective than a .22LR which you can fit in the same platform, so why would you choose it?
There's a difference between lethality and effectiveness, .22 wounds are some of the most lethal by the numbers, any bullet wound can make you bleed out but that doesn't mean it'll stop an attacker when they're trying to harm you. Anyway, I was originally just pointing out that a .25 is more expensive and even less effective than a .22LR which you can fit in the same platform, so why would you choose it?

Sorry, I was just trying to get ahead of the potential pissing contest over caliber. You know, the usual "Why use either one when you can get a 45?"
There's a difference between lethality and effectiveness, .22 wounds are some of the most lethal by the numbers, any bullet wound can make you bleed out but that doesn't mean it'll stop an attacker when they're trying to harm you. Anyway, I was originally just pointing out that a .25 is more expensive and even less effective than a .22LR which you can fit in the same platform, so why would you choose it?

Some people can place their shots so they count. Sounds like you need more time at the range.
Just curious, would this be for the same reasons people say the same thing about the .380 and 9mm?

Don't forget .38 spl! Remember when cops carried those? Far less criminals walking around back then. Wasn't the caliber though, it was that thing called "marksmanship" that everyone forgot about.
Some people can place their shots so they count. Sounds like you need more time at the range.

I can place my rounds just fine, still have heard stories of people getting shot in the head with a .22 and going about their day without even realizing it... never heard of that happening with a .45... carry what you like, I never said it was pointless just not always effective. I did say that a .25acp is pointless when a .22 is cheaper and works better.
I can place my rounds just fine, still have heard stories of people getting shot in the head with a .22 and going about their day without even realizing it... never heard of that happening with a .45... carry what you like, I never said it was pointless just not always effective. I did say that a .25acp is pointless when a .22 is cheaper and works better.

Yeah and I know a guy named Cham from Sudan who was shot in the left side of his head with an AK when he attempted to escape the local militia and besides the odd shaped dent in his skull, he's fine. His older brother was shot in the face and he's dead. Caliber has nothing to do with effectiveness. It all depends on the shooter.
.25 or .22LR, I don't wanna be in front of the business end of either. The idea of being shot be even a pellet does not sound like much fun to me.

Why I carry a 10, if you're gonna make me hurt, I'm gonna make you hurt much much worse.
Caliber has nothing to do with effectiveness. It all depends on the shooter.

Agree to disagree I guess... Caliber can give a big advantage, sure you can cite where a single .22 has dropped someone immediately, and you can probably find a case where a .50BMG hasn't, but you really think there is no difference in effectiveness between the two? or even between a .22 and a 9mm? If you can place all your shots in the same place with a 9mm vs a .22 wouldn't you rather have that going into a fight? Or do you believe that you have magic aim and in a gunfight all your bullets will go perfectly where you want them? If nothing else a larger caliber has more margin for error and in gunfight you want all the margin you can get.
There's a difference between lethality and effectiveness, .22 wounds are some of the most lethal by the numbers, any bullet wound can make you bleed out but that doesn't mean it'll stop an attacker when they're trying to harm you. Anyway, I was originally just pointing out that a .25 is more expensive and even less effective than a .22LR which you can fit in the same platform, so why would you choose it?

John Browning created the .25acp b/c the rimfire of the day was not very reliable, not b/c it was anymore powerful than .22lr. The centerfire .25acp is less likely to misfire than the .22lr rimfire, though, modern rimfire is much better than 100+ years ago but it is still not as reliable as centerfire. That's why...

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