While I Was Walking The Dogs This Morning...


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I was doing some thinking, as I normally do...and I would like to share what was in my head. Some of us may not consider this often, and I think it is realistic...if we are assaulted, here are the possibilities as I see them...
1. BG's come for us, we are alert, we act in time and stop the threat w/o us being wounded or killed...
2. BG's come for us, we are alert, we act in time and stop the threat and we are wounded...
3. BG's come for us, we are alert, we act in time and stop the threat and we are killed...
4. BG's come for us, we are not so alert, we are killed and they escape unscathed...
5. BG's come for us, we are not so alert, we are killed and they are wounded...
6. BG's come for us, we are wounded and they are wounded...

The permutations are getting to me a bit. I think some only consider that the GG's will win and walk away. I was thinking about the other options because in all options, our frame of mind and warrior spirit is key. If we are wounded, even mortally so, unless it is a cranial wound or a spinal sever, there may be, the magic 10 to 14 seconds before we bleed out, lose oxygen to our brain, and lose consciousness. What will we do in those seconds? We may know that we are mortally wounded...do we stop fighting? Especially if loved ones are near...if I don't stop the BG's, my loved ones are next. It is not my intent to be overly dramatic, and, fortunately, I believe that, generally, the BG's are not as committed to the fight as the GG's. I read something once, about, should we be dispatched to the gates of Valhalla, we drag, kicking and screaming, our killers with us.

Try this line of thought.

BG's come for you, you are alert, aware and completely avoid the confrontation. That's rule #1.

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